Prentiss x Vampire!Reader P2/?

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Thankyou to _criminal829 for needing more XD

Emily and I had gone to investigate a potential crime scene, but it was all a trap, which ended up in us being in a basement with no way out.

"Damn it, there has to be a way out." Prentiss muttered, you'd use your strength, but you've lost your abnormal strength due to your lack of human blood. "(Y/n), are you okay?"

" energy's kinda fading here." You admit with a soft voice. She looked at you in confusion then in realisation.

"Oh my god." Emily ran over to you and looked over your face, holding you in your hands, trying to somehow find a scar.

"I should've brought those erasers huh?" You joked, but she just kept staring. "I'm thirsty, not wounded okay?"

When you said this, she shied away from you, she had no idea how to handle this situation. She was locked in a basement, no way out and with a blood thirsty vampire.

"Got any red on you?" You asked her, and she nodded, she slowly pulled her blazer and her blouse to reveal her red bra, which you latched onto and turned it white. "Thanks Emily...sorry to make it awkward."

"Oh, no. you didn't." She said. I really wish there were a way to get the hell out of here.

- - - - -

Emily was completely fine...but you were very much dying...but you were already dead, but you were just so, goddamn thirsty which unfortunately, Emily was not oblivious to due to your fangs poking out of your mouth and pitch-black eyes.

"(Y/n) you need m-" She started but she was interrupted by your body over hers, she had gotten into an altercation with the unsub a few minutes ago, gashes on her thigh and stomach.

"I...I'm...s...sorry." You croak out, about to even attempt to remove yourself from her body, but she stopped you.

"You need can get us out of here when you do...I want you to." She said, but you shook your head.

"I don't...want to hurt you." You mutter.

"I want you to live, we're going to get out of here...alive." She said, you look at her with sorry eyes and remove the bloodied clothing, drinking the spilled blood from her toned belly, licking the wound and sealing it with your venom.

" I hurting you?" You ask shakily.

"No..." She sighs, and you continue onto her thigh, sealing it off and clearing your throat. You make sure Emily is okay before breaking down the basement door with a mere kick.

"What the fu-" You hear the unsub shout and you attack, pinning him to the wall, just as the door bursts open, Morgan holding a gun in hand and pointing to the unsub and yourself.

"(L/N)!" He shouts, and you throw the man onto the floor, when you just rushed to the basement, Reid and the others followed you.

"(Y/n), where did you get the blood from..." Reid said and saw you with Emily in your hold. You just walked past him, and she wrapped her arms around your neck. "(Y/n)?"

You kept walking and brought Emily outside to the SUV, you just put her in the front seat and sigh, face void of emotion.

"(L/n). What happened in there?" Hotch asked you, you turn to answer him and blink.

"Emily had an altercation with the unsub, but she's okay now, I'm going to make sure she'd taken care of." You leave it at that and drive off, taking Emily home and staying with her. There is no way that you're going to leave her side for a while.

Hullo hullo


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