The one

18 2 0

Devan's POV

It's almost time for bed and I have nothing to do. I've had my shower, brushed my teeth. I went to my desk and sat down on my chair, turned on the lights and stared at it. I leaned back and crossed my arms. My head leaned back and looked at the ceiling fan. Then I heard my phone buzz. I looked at my bed, where the phone was. 

I seriously don't want to move any muscle in my body. So I rolled myself towards my bed, grabbed my phone and leaned back onto my seat and looked at my phone. Text from Audrey. I immediately sat up straight to look at the text. 

A: Heyy

D: Wassup

A: Can you open your window and take the ladder?

D: K, brb

I hopped out of my seat and went to the window. Audrey was smiling and her window was opened. "Hi Devan!" She greeted.

"Yoo!" I greeted back. I took the ladder and sent one end to Audrey's window. She took the end and put it on the frame of her window.

"I'm coming now," she said and climbed onto the ladder.

"Dang, you're so confident," I said, holding out my hands.


"Nope," I laughed and so did she. When she got closer, she reached out one arm, letting me grab it. I pulled her arm slightly. She finally got close enough to reach out her other arm. I grabbed it too and she got in my room. I did not let her go until she got on her feet. 

"Why do you want to come over?" I asked, curiously.

"Cause I'm bored," she replied.

"Okay, so what do you want to do?" 

"Just chat. Tell me why you punched the wall mainly," she said and pointed at the holes in the wall.

"I just kind of had enough of my life. All the drama and popularity is making me sick," I lied and scratched my neck.

"You're lying," she crossed her arms.


"You're like the worst liar in the world."

I didn't speak for a second, "fine, I'm just jealous of someone." Her eyes widened.

"Tea. Spill it. Who?"

I clicked my tongue, not wanting to tell her at all.

"Okay, you don't have to say the person's name. Just tell my what happened," she said while pulling me to my bed and sat down, "I'm here to listen and you know it." I looked down at my hand which was held by her, she let go. 

"U-uh, so I'm jealous of this girl. She's been hanging out with someone I don't like. He's making her so happy and I don't want to loose my chance. He's a much better person than I am, and I'm scare that she'd choose him and not me. I like her so much and she means so much to me," I told her. She took a deep breath in and out. She looked down, then back at me.

"Oh," she simply said. She licked her lips and looked at mine. Is she... wait I'm confused.

She started to lean in, cutting from my lips to my eyes. I started to feel the moment, but I don't know what I'm doing. She connected out lips and I kissed back. We kissed for a couple seconds and she pulled away, but still staying close to my face. "I like you," she whispered, "don't get that wrong." I smiled, "I like you, too." I cupped her cheeks and kissed her again, more passionately and more sincerely. She put her hands on my neck to pull me close. 

It felt like the whole world stops moving. It felt like time stopped. It felt like there were no one else in this world except the two of us. I've never felt this way when I kissed Elena. This feeling is new. She's something special. Fireworks popped and exploded and burnt my stomach. And electricity shocked throughout my body. She is the one. 

I pulled away and we smiled at each other. 

"Did you know I was talking about you?" I asked.

"Yeah. It sounded like me," she replied. My face flushed with embarrassment

"Well shit," I said. We both laughed, "you probably should go back to your room, cause Collins will be coming in here any second now."

"Yeah, alright," she said and stood up. She went to the window and stopped, "oh my God."

"What?" I asked.

"It's freaking dark out. And I don't want to die in the dark," she explained.

"Pfftt! Bullshit. Just go to your room," I said. And she giggled.

"Night, Devan," she said and pecked my cheek.

"Night, Audrey," I said. (A/n I'm cringing.)

Audrey climbed onto the ladder and got back to her room, safely. She looked back at me, then she turned her head back around.

I closed my window and flopped onto my bed. Then my door opened.

"Bro," of course. It was Collins.

"How're you and Annabelle?" I asked totally knowing what he was trying to talk to me about. 

"I, uh, her and I are d-dating," he said, and changed the subject, "how about you and Audrey?"

"In good condition. We kind of kissed just now," I said grinning, "so when's the dinner?"

"Next Saturday. I booked a table for two at 7 pm. Tell her to dress fancy," he told me.

"Thanks, dude. A lot," I replied walking up to him and giving him a hug.

"She's totally gonna fall for you after that dinner."

"Stop," I said and we both laughed.

"Oh well, get to bed. We're filming after school tomorrow."

"Great! Night, Collins," I greeted and walked back to my bed, around my painting which somehow is still on the floor.

"Night, bro," he greeted back and left my room and closed my door.

I went to my painting and looked at the Audrey I drew. She's pretty even when she's crying. I thought to myself. I smiled ear to ear and picked up the painting. I leaned it onto my punched wall and flopped back on my bed. I gave out a huge sigh when my stomach got flattened by the force. The force. Jesus Christ, Devan.

I got under my blanket and looked at the light. Freaking dumbass. I got out of my blanket to switch the light off. I got back under my blanket and reached for my phone which was... not on the side table. I groaned in annoyance and turned on the lamp. I looked around the room and saw my phone on the windowsill. How'd my phone get there? And why does this happen every night? I took my phone went under the covers and finally settled. I was already out of breath since I was not planning on moving around my room before bed. Finally, I turned my phone on and went through dms and every thing. Not my usual routine, but what ever.

After checking all the dms, it was 2 am and I knew I had to sleep. I plug my phone in and turned off the lamp. My phone buzzed. Don't care, Devan. And buzzed again. Sleep. And again. Don't even think about it. And again. Ugh! Fine. I reached for my phone and looked at the notifications. More dms. Okay. I switched off my notifications and put my phone back on the side table. Long night. Sleep. Now.

A/N: Pfffftttt this chapter was so random and cringe. I'm not good at describing romantic feelings. Sorry sorry sorry. Thanks for reading, though! See ya next chapter! X

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