Sleeping with Annabelle

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I went to the sofa, dumped my book bag somewhere and laid down with one leg hanging  at the back of the sofa. I closed my eyes just to give it a rest and opened it again. I saw Annabelle standing in front of me.

"Hey Belle," I greeted her.

"Hey Drey," she said a little disgusted.

"Why so disgusted?"

"Why do you think?" She replied and pointed at the clock. I looked in the direction and frowned. It was 7 45 pm.

Didn't I just come back?!

I shot up immediately and dashed to my room. I  ran back down, grabbed my book bag and ran back up, stumbling over a couple of steps. I hear Annabelle laugh at me.

I busted into my room and sat in my chair and pulled myself towards the desk. I sat my book bag on my lap and took out my homework. I dumped my book bag aside and started doing the homework.

After around 30 minutes, Annabelle came in my room. Without a knock.


"Why didn't you knock?" I snapped still concentrated on my homework.

"The door wasn't closed."

"Oh. What do you need then?"

"It's dinner time."

I threw my pen back onto my desk and ran downstairs. I threw myself onto my chair and waited for dinner. Mom was taking the food out.

"Hi, honey!"

"Hi, mommy!"

Yes, I'm still calling mom "mommy". I just got too used to it.

"Belle told me you were asleep on the couch for  3 hours."

"Yeah. I didn't realise I fell asleep."

Our whole family doesn't get ashamed of anything we say. It's just us that we tell every thing.

"You've been hanging out with our neighbours lately, haven't you?"

"Mhmm. They're really welcoming."

"Who are they?" Mom asked as she took out the last dish.

"Their family name is Key. A pair of parents and two sons. Collins is the older one and Devan is the younger one. Steve is the dad and Anne is the mom."

"Ahh... I see. Is Collins the kid from the TV show?" Mom asked as she sat in her chair across from me.

"Yes! Except that he's no kid anymore. He's 21."

We both laughed at my statement and Annabelle sat down next to me.

"Alright! Let's gobble up!" Mom exclaimed and we all ate. We all chatted about different topics and ate our food. We finished and it was already 8 30 pm. Oh boy...

"I gotta go back up and finish my homework," I said and picked up my dished and put them at the sink. I walked upstairs and continued on my homework. Suddenly, I heard laughter from the window. I put down my pen and walked to my window and looked across to Devan's. I could see him with a girl. He was with... Elena? Devan and Elena were on Devan's bed and they were laying under the covers cuddling. Wait, cuddling? I looked closer. They seemed to be watching TV. I looked at them for a little longer. Devan kissed Elena's head and Elena snuggled in closer to him. I gasped and closed the window slowly and so as the curtains, making sure Devan and Elena won't see me or hear me.

I should've seen this coming when they disappeared behind me. This should've been expected. I should've been aware. I should've been using my head.

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