Chapter 1

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Hey everyone, this is the first chapter! It's a bit boring but it will get more interesting I promise. Hope you enjoy :)

Helz :) xx

I glanced through the window where the raindrops were racing down the glass rapidly, before I went back to my packing. The one task I absolutely hate is packing. I sat on my suitcase trying to close what seemed like an overweight and obese suitcase exploding with colours.

On the bright side I was going to sunny Cyprus with my best friend, Jenna. We’re both eighteen, and we thought we needed a break after all the hard work we’d done at school.

“Drew, do you think there’ll be a pool in the hotel?” Jenna said, while I was still struggling to close my suitcase.

“Jenna, there’s no time for that now, come and help me!” I shouted, placing my backside on the cover.

 Now you’ve heard, my name is Drew, Drew Hutton from rainy England. I’m just your normal girl, straight A’s student and loving life. I’ve been best friends with Jenna since we were at pre-school. She’s always been there for me and I’ve always been there for her. And now we were finally going on holiday together, with no one coming with us, we were going to have a blast!

Unlike the disorganised me, Jenna had packed her suitcase weeks ago where I had packed mine a few hours before.

“Check list time!” exclaimed Jenna, holding her list with authority. Jenna began. “Bikini? Underwear? Sandals? Tops? Shorts? Pyjamas? Dress? Phone? Make-up? Toiletries? Passport?”.

“Check to all of them Jenna! It’s time to go!” Stupidly, I didn’t consider the weight of my suitcase as I dragged it down a load of stairs as our house did not consist of an elevator.

“Stay safe girls” said my mum emotionally. I hated leaving my mother but it was time for me to grow up independently. After we said our goodbyes, we rolled our suitcases through the door and out to the taxi parked on the side of the road.

 My hair that was shiny and silky was now drowned by the rain. I twisted my finger around the strands of blonde hair I had on my head, I have to admit I was so jealous of Jenna’s hair. No matter where she went her hair was just so perfect, exactly the way she had styled it in the morning. We both stared out through our hazel eyes at the clouds which were grey in colour and the roads which were full of small puddles.

The taxi driver was rather small and not very talkative; he never said a word in the whole journey to the airport. We must have passed what seemed like thousands of signs, until we passed the one we wanted.. “HeathrowAirport, 2 miles”. Finally, we’d been in this taxi long enough. Jenna was asleep on my shoulder and was drooling all over my arm, lovely. Half asleep and walking like zombies, we both made our way towards our stations.

The plane was more luxurious than I thought to be honest. There was plenty of leg room unlike any other plane and the leather seats were like the most comfortable seats ever. Complimentary champagne was offered to us and boy we were not going to be saying no after the long journey we’d had. First Class was the life.

I usually hated flying but for some reason Jenna made me feel a lot better and I was actually enjoying myself. It was strange looking through a window and seeing a giant wing in front of you. The clouds looked like pieces of cotton wool floating in the air and the view was truly magnificent. Jenna had fallen asleep once again, so I decided to take a little nap myself. BANG! We both woke up feeling startled as the plane started to shake, but everything was ok. Jenna fell straight back to sleep while I listened to some music. A woman across from us had just thrown up and then everyone was doing the same, it was like a chain reaction.

When Jenna finally woke up, we were in deep conversation together. Talking about our friendship, future ambitions, the holiday and stuff like that. Jenna has a boyfriend and she loves him to bits, but to be honest I don’t trust him that much. Of course Jenna doesn’t know this but I just don’t want her to get hurt like she has been in the past.

We got so bored on the plane that we ended up playing rock, paper, scissors, eye spy and filling in sudoku puzzles. It came to lunch time and the smell of the food hit the back of my throat, it smelt absolutely disgusting. Jenna happily ate all of her course but I was picking at it with my fork for about 10 minutes. An announcement was made that the plane was landing in five minutes, hallelujah! We were getting hot and fed up of sitting in the same place for hours.

When it finally landed we got off the plane and saw the sun beaming straight away. The heat was unbearable because we were used to the coldest of temperatures inEngland. There was a slight breeze in the air and we were greeting with tropical cocktails that were very refreshing. But bad news, we’d lost our luggage.

“What are we going to do Drew?” Jenna said worrying.

“We’ll just have to wait until they appear but for now, let’s enjoy the entertainment before we head to the hotel!” I explained.

It was simply brilliant; there was a comedian, magician, salsa dancers, the whole lot! Good job I came dressed in a vest top and three quarter trousers, it was scorching hot. You could see the sweat run down Jenna’s tomato like face while she was still panicking about the luggage. Then to our luck, the luggage had appeared and we were escorted to our transport vehicle to take us to the hotel.

Outside waiting for us was a white hummer, gleaming in the sun and blasting with music. We hopped in and then our journey began, this was definitely something that I could get used to!

P.S Please feel free to comment and give me your opinion on this story. Also feel free to vote/fan and comment :)

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