pt. seven

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You were sitting on the sofa in the VIP room with El, eating [snack] and drinking [drink]. There were also other band members and solo singers in the room. They gave you a pat on the back and took some photos together. Some left to go home early, some stayed inside the VIP room and then some went to join in the crowd. There was a big flat-screen TV glued to the tall, showing the Music Festival. You would go out and watch it yourself outside, but you needed to rest for a bit.

There was no one in the stage yet, besides the backstage crew setting up for the next performance. You realised one of them was the one San was kissing. You glared at the screen.

El nudges your side, "Why are you looking at them like that?"

You shook your head and kept munching on your snack. You dangerously eyed on that certain person on the screen and hoped they trip and die. Wait, what the hell? Why were you acting like this? Were you... jealous? No! Impossible!

"Okay, seriously, (Y/N), you're acting really weird. You're furiously glaring at one of backstage crew, you're crushing your food and you're mumbling under your breath. Is everything alright?"

You sighed, taking the flower crown off and setting it beside you, "I'm playing Sans' game."

El tilts her head to the side, "Game? What game?"

"You know how you told me that Sans fucks around other girls?" She nods. "That game."

She gasps, "Whoa! So you're gonna let him screw you?"

"Over my dead body!" I threw my arms in the air, causing some people to look at us with a strange look. I sheepishly smiled and they went back minding their own business. "I'm not letting him do that."

"So... you're the one who's gonna do him?"

You groaned, throwing your head back, "Okay. Listen. Carefully. Sans is trying to get in my pants and break my heart. But I'm not going to let him break me. So, instead, I'll be the one who's going to break his heart... or soul, without getting in his pants."

"Ohh!" She nods, slowly. "I get it now. So how are you gonna do it? He has like walls around his soul, he doesn't let anyone in. Besides his friends and family."

You thought for a second, before clicking your fingers like a lightbulb just appeared on top of your head like in the cartoons, "I'll make him fall in love with me."

"You're crazy, (Y/N)! You're playing fire with fire! What if it backfires?"

"Pfft," You laughed and swatted the air with your hand, "Trust me. It won't."

She looked at you with concern, "(Y/N), if you get hurt... I'm going to tell you I told you so."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Watch me. Once it's game over, I'll be the new champion at his game," You felt confident, feeling as if you already won the game.

You looked back at the TV and saw the backstage crew finished setting up. On the stage were a drum kit, electric piano, bass, electric guitar and two mics. You were about to ask El who's the band when the first member took the stage. It was Frisk, followed by the rest of Underfell.

Undyne went behind the drums and put the headphones on her ear. The headphones were used for hearing protection, while other instruments are being played through the headphones to help her hear over her drums, over the crowd and the speakers.

Games [Fell!Sans x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now