pt. four

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I didn't like chapter four so I'm re-writing it and changing some bits. Enjoy, and thank for you reading!

[ G a m e s ]

You gulped, not really expecting them to be here. Though of course, you should've known, this is a monster restaurant after all. But why were they coming your way? Maybe you were in their usual hanging spot and they wanted you to move? Yeah, maybe that's why.

Feeling intimidated, you were ready to ditch your food and leave the place. Tugging on El's sleeve, you whispered, "Let's go." It was no surprise she paid no attention to you and kept her gaze towards the four monsters and the human. You rolled your eyes. Looks like you'll be leaving your best friend behind too.

Just as you were about to stand, a cheery, female voice called out your name, making you halt on the spot. It wasn't El who spoke, in fact, it was Frisk.

They blocked your way, so escaping was a no-no. Outside you looked calm, but on the inside, you were cowering from the four monsters staring down at you while Frisk didn't seem to notice.

You hesitantly answered with a nod.

Frisk's eyes widen and twinkles, she squeals and grabs your hand, "Oh... my... freaking... God! I-I can't believe I'm finally meeting you! You're my inspiration! We love your songs and- and–" She stopped and dropped your hands. Her face full flushed of embarrassment, she took a step back. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to... to just do that."

A small giggle escapes your lips, and then it quickly got louder.

"What's funny, punk?" The fish lady talks.

You wiped a tear from the outer corner of your eye, "Sorry, it's just that, I don't know why I got so nervous as you guys came walking towards us. Silly me. Anyways, thank you, Frisk."

Frisk gasps, "You know my name!"

"El over here introduced me to your band," You gestured over to El, who sheepishly laughs and scratched the back of her head. "Though, today was the first time I've heard of your band. I just came back from my trip."

"Oh that's alright, I know you were on tour because I watch your live videos! And we started our band career a few months ago, so no biggy that you haven't heard of us yet," Frisk shrugs, then stepped aside to introduce you to her friends. "Well, I'm the lead singer. This is Undyne, our drummer. Alphys is our pianist. Papyrus, our leader of the band and bass player. And lastly–"

"sans," The small skeleton interrupted Frisk, pushing her to the side. He gave you a wink and you rolled your eyes. "you are such a beautiful girl. oh no, i seemed to have lost my number, can i have yours?"

Your right eye twitched. You couldn't stand him, even if you don't know him well. But the information El told you was enough to know that you hated him. It disgusts you how someone could just play a poor soul's feeling so easily. You wanted to drop kick him right then and there. But you held back your anger that was slowly forming and plastered a fake, sweet smile, "Sure."

Were you really going to give him his number? Of course not.

You punched in random numbers and gave his phone back, not before giving him a wink. You heard El snickered. Sans grins and puts the phone back in his pocket. They wanted to move a table to join with yours. So it was Alphys, Undyne, Papyrus and El on one side with Sans, Frisk and you in the other.

And just on cue, the fireman appeared out of nowhere and asked for their order.

"we'll get the usual, grillby," Sans said. Grillby nodded and walked off. Not 15 minutes later in, he came back with plates of fries, burgers, spaghetti and a bottle of mustard. You expected the mustard was for the fries, but as soon as Sans picked the yellow bottle up. brings it close to his... teeth and took good gulps of it until it was half empty.

Your mouth opened wide. Sans caught you staring and wiggled his... brow bone, "see something you like, sweetheart?"

"N-no sorry, didn't mean to stare," Your cheeks slightly turned to pick, you looked away and continued picking on your food. "So are you guys performing at the music festival that's coming in two days?" You asked.

"YES, HUMAN, WE ARE," Papyrus answered quite loudly."AND I SUPPOSE YOU ARE TOO?"

You nod.

"AND WHAT ABOUT YOU, OTHER HUMAN?" Papyrus turned his gaze to El. El, being the fangirl she is, took deep breaths and bit inside her cheeks to hold back a scream. "HUMAN, WHY ARE YOU ALL RED? IS SHE HAVING A FEVER?"

El nervously laughs and swats the air with her hand, "Whew, it just suddenly got hot in here. A-ahaha..." She looked at you for backup, but you just gave her a smirk and raised a brow. Papyrus was still waiting for her answer. "O-oh, I don't sing. I dance."


You stifled a laugh and felt a kick on your leg. El was glaring at you, signalling to keep your mouth shut. You rolled your eyes.

"W-what song a-are you going to be singing, (Y/N)?" Alphys asks, pushing her swirly glasses closer to her face.

"Two of my original and three covers," I said. "How about you?"

"Same as ours!" Frisk whooped. Then, she turned her head towards you, eyes twinkling once again. "Oh my goodness! We should perform together! My band featuring (Y/N)! We could write songs and make an album and- and–... S-sorry, I'm rambling again."

You laughed and ruffled her hair, "That sounds like a great idea."

Her eyes widen with a big grin on her face. She tried to contain her squeal but failed to do so. It was high-pitched, possible enough to break a glass.


You shrugged, "What could possibly go wrong?"

Little do you know, a certain skeleton was already planning on the many possibilities of what could go wrong. He smirks to himself. New target to play with. Fun. Now how should I break their little heart?

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