pt. one

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"Thank you, Sydney!" I waved to the crowds, grabbed my guitar and walked off stage. The backstage crew gave me a bottle of water and positive feedbacks. I thanked them, then headed straight to my private room to get changed.

This was my last day performing in Australia. Soon, I will catch a flight back to Ebott City, the place where I grew up in. It had been 6 months since I've been touring around, performing in large festivals and signing contracts. As soon as I land home, I'll stop touring for a while, but will still perform at little cafes and whatnot.

I finished getting changed to my trackpants, shirt and hoodie. It's July and it's the winter season in Australia. But even without the snow, I'm still freezing.

Midnight is when I need to catch my flight, and it's only 9 pm. I need to go back to my hotel, finish packing and grab a ride to the airport. I shoved the things that I had brought with me in my duffel bag and put my guitar back in its case before heading out. My bag in one side, my guitar on the other. I didn't rent a car so I asked a backstage crew member to call me an uber.

It's going to be a busy night.

// T i m e T r a v e l //
*3rd POV*

"Welcome back," El smiled, helping you carry with your things. You carried your duffel bag and guitar while she pulls your luggage along. Once you got to her car, she unlocked it and put your things inside. She closes the boot and starts the engine. "Honey you've been gone for six long months and I have been so bored without you!"

You giggled, "I missed you too. So what's new?"

"Jack and Louise are getting married in two weeks," She said. "Uhm, oh yeah, there's this new band called Underfell and, oh my god, they're monsters but badass monsters! And their main singer is this human chick, but she still hell cool!"

It wasn't the first time there was a band of monsters. But a band with monsters and a human? That's a first for everything. Anything could possibly happen, like for example, 10 years ago, monsters have resurfaced back above ground. Bizarre, but the legends of Mt. Ebott was true.

"And guess who's the members are!" El squeals, suddenly feeling so eager talking about the new band. You shrugged, not really caring, but you didn't want her to feel like you don't care. "Okay, okay so, their main singer is the human child that had fallen down Mt. Ebott and freed the monsters Underground! Her name's Frisk. There's this reptile-dinosaur lady that plays hecking good piano, her name is Alphys. Undyne is this fish woman that plays drums. Rumours be told that Undyne and Alphys are secretly a thing. And these two skeletons, oh my god, they are killing me!"

You tilt your head to the side, "What?"

"There are two skeletons. One is taller by a foot. Papyrus is the tall one, he plays a mean-ass bass! . . he could bone me anytime . . . Anyways, moving along, Sans is an absolute God! He plays guitar and he could sing! Aaaand he's such a hottie! A smooth talker, he could get any girl's number real quick!

You rolled your eyes, "And what happens after he has their numbers? He calls them and fuck their brains out then leaving them the next day, not even remembering their names?"

"Well," El trails off her words. "That's the sad part, cause it's true. He's a hearthrob. Breaking poor girls' heart just for fun."

"It's what they get for playing with fire," You scoffed, disapproving the thought of anyone doing that. You had boyfriends in the past, but agreed to break up in good terms. You haven't had experience on what it's like to be played, to be ditched the nexy day just for sex.

Well, not yet anyway.

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