Chapter XXXII

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Off they went, meandering out of the town, zooming past thick covers of trees upon taking the highway.
"Whoa! Hermione, slow down!" Snape was gripping the handle as if clutching onto dear life while Hermione laughed and floored the accelerator, speeding up.

Flashing past houses and patches of fields and woods, taking daring turns and maneuvres, gave her such a rush. By the time Snape declared that they had reached their destination, she was running on adrenaline. They were parked in a secluded place, next to some hedges, with a bungalow looming nearby, but Hermione didn't care for her surroundings; all she could think of was Snape restrained right next to her and breathing heavily, thankful to have come out of this journey in one piece. Before the poor man could even unhook his safety belts, Hermione clicked open her seatbelt, freeing herself and wormed her way to his lap.

"Wha- Herm-"
But she straddled him and had taken possession of his mouth. She kissed him in the most arousing way possible, grinding her hips into his crotch and smirking when she felt him harden. In the enclosed space of the car, there was little he could do, apart from holding onto her waist, surprised by the vehemence of her kisses. She made sure he was out of breath, after which she turned her attention to his breeches.

"Oh no, you don't wanna do that..." His hands finally darted out to stop her.
"Why? You don't wanna...?" She was surprised at herself for how horny she felt. But there was an urgency in his eyes, a purposeful glance that willed her to understand why he wanted her not to go on. "Not now."

"Fine." She pursed her lips, letting go of him. Seeing her pout, he said, "I love you, you know?"

"Hmm, I know." She was still pursing her lips as she came out of the car, closing the door behind her with somewhat of a snap. By the time Snape extracted himself out of the car, Hermione was looking around the place with her arms crossed over her chest.
"Thank you for ridding me of that irksome confinement."

"I would have thanked you too...but this is your surprise? A house in the middle of nowhere?" Hermione huffed. "We should've stayed in bed."

"I bet I can change your mind in about a minute." Snape whispered close to her ear as he urged her to open the latch of the fence and enter the backyard of the bungalow.

It was a rather nice abode, with a lovely garden, smoke puffing out of the stone chimney and also a small vineyard hidden behind the hedges. It was there that Hermione spotted a woman walking towards them. She stopped on her tracks and as each took a good look at the other; their eyes widened and both of their faces split into smiles.
"Hermione!" The woman shouted, picking up her pace and running towards her. Hermione took a sharp intake of breath. "Mum!"

She closed the distance between them, running into her mother's arms, both breaking out in happy tears. "Oh my darling..." Her mom snorted a cry in between laughs. "I- how- I don't understand- Mumma..." Hermione was so confused, yet so overwhelmed. Her mother ran her hands down her daughter's arms, as if making sure it was really her; Hermione couldn't blame her- at first she thought she was hallucinating too.

"Charles! Honey, come in here and see who it is." She called out to her husband, who was busy with the plants. The man grunted in response and came in wiping his hands and stopped in a state of shock, finding their daughter. Hermione's tears weren't meant to stop anytime soon as her father wrapped her up in his warm embrace. "My baby girl..." He had tears in his eyes too as he kissed her forehead. After the family shared a hug together, Hermione wiped at her eyes. "I don't understand. I thought- I- I'd never see you again. You were gone...How- How come you remember me?"

Surprisingly, they turned to Snape. "It was him. He found us. We aren't exactly sure... but he performed some magic on us that helped us remember every thing. And he promised that he would bring you to us."

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