Jin chuckled and shooked his head.

"His name is Park Jimin. His family is the second strongest. Our King fell in love with him and asked for his hand in marriage. Our people are all assuming when Jimin gives birth to a child, it will be strongest of all."

Then my eyes wide again, my hands worked again.

But isn't he a man? How can he give birth?

"Yoongi, this is a world of anything that was considered impossible to be possible."

Woah.. So you can give birth?

Jin then laughed and strongly hit me on the back which hurt but I endured it.

"Me? A bottom? Pffft! In my next life if I die!"

So.. You top?

"Of course I do. And plus, I don't think I can give birth. Half our people can give birth here. But I'm one hundred percent I can't."

I nodded understanding.. This is so weird.. This world is. Its not just women who makes the population grow stronger but the men too. That's so weird. Or what if... I started to write my thoughts down.

Are the men who can give birth transgender?!

Jin laughed again.

"No, they are full man. Its just how it works down in this demon world."

Then we were met with silence. This world is actually fair, because back in my world all women complain why they feel most of the pain and that men should feel it too. They should visit here then.

"Kim Seokjin! Come here right!"

I flinched and ducked my head down. The voice was so deep, it was all over my room. It bounce on the walls. Seokjin sighed and rubbed his crease.

"Our King is so rude. That man is younger than me! Geez!"

How old is he?

"He is a hundred and nineteen. He is the youngest to become King."

Wait so he is nineteen? I'm twenty four!

"Our King was twenty four before. This might be hard to explain but we age like how you humans age. We just stay alive because we are immortal. He is in his hundreds. His parents are in their late hundreds."

Woah.. You guys are older than my grandpa and grandma who died. Even my parents who died too..

"Oh.. I'm sorry to hear that.."

If I do bad things will I go to Hell and live here?

"You are so cute Yoongi! And no, this isn't Hell. This is just a dark demon world. Hell is different, but our King was born in Hell. Here let me tell you, this world is like your world. There are many different countries. And Hell is considered a country in this world. Right now, we live in Tenebris. The Hell you're talking about is way under our world. We just have a country named Hell."

Wait. But you said your King was born in Hell?

"Oh, when our Kings mother was pregnant with him, she had a labour in Hell while visiting her friend. So she have birth to him there even though his parents are originally from Tenebris."

What does Tenebris mean?

"It's darkness in Latin. Now you know why it's so dark everywhere. Even outside. Our country Tenebris is the darkest one of all."

(A/N: Just saying.. I don't know any Latin😂I just went to the translations and it looked good for a country name in a demon world😂)

Your world is so interesting. Where was your King's fianceé born?

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