Chapter 6

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SOTC: love yourself - XXXTentacion


"You know, I don't know anything about you other then you are an angel." I said staring blankly at the ceiling.

"What would you like to know?" Vanessa murmured and turned her head towards me.

"Anything you are willing to tell me." I said and turned my head to face her.

She turned her head back to face the ceiling and took a deep breath.

"My full name is Vanessa Harley Harlow. I am 18 years old. My Birthday is March 3, 2000. I don't have any siblings. My parents abandoned me as soon as I turned 18. I was betrayed by my best friend who attempted to kill me."

I turned my head back at the ceiling.

"I was your guardian angel until I was kidnapped, had my wing cut off, and got pushed into your realm."

"Mhmm. I'm assuming since you were my guardian angel you know everything there is to know about me," I said in a monotone voice.

"Nope. The file provided us with only bare minimums." She said in the same monotone voice,

"My name is Draven Rylen Johnson. I am 19 years old. I attend a community college. My birthday is Christmas day. I was always abandoned. I don't have any friends. The closest thing I have to a family would be Sparrow."

"If you don't mind me asking, why did your parents abandon you?" I asked her

" I like to believe my parents hated me. I always thought that they only put up with me because they are angels and they were supposed to be nice caring creatures. So until my 18th birthday, they put up a front like I was their entire solar system."

She took a deep breath and continued to talk,

"When that day finally came, my stuff was already packed and ready to go, and they kicked me out of their house. I was on my own until Kelly came along. I started working, and got myself back on my feet."

"I never hated them for doing that to me. Because if they didn't, I wouldn't be going through the hardships of life."

We sat there staring at the ceiling, in a comfortable silence, getting lost in our own heads.

"Wanna call it a night?" I said snuggling up in my bed.

"Way ahead of you." Vanessa said lazily

And with that, we fell asleep.

-the next day-

Vanessa and I woke up at the same time in the morning. We made a bit of breakfast with the things I had and sat down to eat.

"Hey, Draven you know what I've been thinking about." Vannessa said munching on her bacon.


"I wanna enroll in your college."


"Because I'm supposed to be your angel of the week."

"What's the real reason?"

She sighed and said, "It gets boring in here. And I don't wanna be alone for the rest of the day while you are off in college."

"Alright, you make some good reasoning, I'm not stopping you."

"Good." Vannessa said giving me a small smile.

"I guess you wanna start today."

"That's the plan."

"But you can't go you don't have any clean clothes." I said pointing at her dirty dress.

"I'm an angel. I could just summon some more clothes." She said giving me a duh face.

"Okay well, imma get dressed and ready and I'll see you in a little bit. I said after cleaning the mess we both made.

A few minutes later I was dressed and situated while Vanessa laid on my bed resting.

"Vanessa come on we have to go. we need to get you some books and a book bag." I said walking towards the door.

"I have them right here, and you aren't going to college looking like that." She said pointing at my clothes.

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing? And you cannot go out like that. Did you forget you that you have wings?" I said

"Yes I did, I'll just put this on." She said and pulled one of my sweaters over her head which made her other wing shrink and disappear.

"You, on the other hand, put on this." she said

She snapped her finger and nothing happened.

"What did you do?" I said with confusion written on my face.

"Look in the mirror." She said

Slowly I walked toward the mirror and was shocked.

The dressed me in a baby blue v-neck shirt, Light blue pants, and some white pull on Vans. My skin seemed to brighten up and the bags that I usually had under my eyes vanished.

"Nope." I said and begun to pull off the sneakers.

"Yes, and let's go we are gonna be late." She said as she got up from the bed and pulled her book bag on.

I gave up trying to pull off the sneakers. Got my bookbag and walked out the door.

After a few minutes, we arrived at the college and I was scared to walk through those doors.

"You'll be fine, I'll be right next to you." Vanessa said and gave me a light pat on my shoulders.

"Okay, I can do this." And I walked through the doors.

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