Chapter 9

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SOTC: Call Me (funny how Time slips away sample) -90'sFlav


"Welp it looks like its time to call pest control."

Draven turned to me and smiled, which then turned into a short chuckle.

In my eyes, Draven was utterly beautiful. He had to be one of the most, If not the most gorgeous man I've ever seen. He had the most uplifting smiles, warm, light brown eyes, gorgeous hair, and flawless skin.

"Thank you, I think you're beautiful as well."

My face turned into one of mortification. Draven just continued to look at me with a small smile, with a red tint on his face.  He was blushing!

"Awww you look adorable!"

"Shut up." Draven said and turned away from me

"I'm sorry." I said nudging him so that he would turn around and face me

"Come on I said I was sorry."


I got irritated and climbed on him so that I was straddling his waist

"What are you doing. I don't wanna see you right now." Draven said

I leaned down and hugged Draven. He playfully tried to nudge me away but I wasn't planning on letting go.

"I'm sorry. Please forgive me."

"Hmmm. You are forgiven on one condition."

"What is the condition?" I said leaning up and moving to the side of him

"Answer the question: Am I your friend?"

"What kind of dumb question is that. No, I'm not."

His face fell.

"You're my best friend."


"I know, I know." I said wiping the imaginary dust off my shoulders.

Draven leaned back to lay on the bed and I followed. He stared at the ceiling looking lost, so I leaned and faced him.

"Hey, sorry to break the happy mood, but I really want to ask you a question." He said still staring at the ceiling.

I turned to the ceiling and said: "Ask away."

"How are you still happy. You know, after everything that happened to you?"

That was the question I didn't know how to answer myself. I remember everything so vividly. I remembered how broken I felt, How ruptured I was to become. But then I met Draven. He helped me fix part of myself.

"I thought when they cut my wings that that was going to be my downfall. I thought I was going to bleed out and that all the angels wouldn't even mourn over me." I turned to him

"Then you came along. You managed to help me prevent myself from falling into the hole of oblivion that I was going to fall into. Although I will never be the same and I'm not all the was put back together again, you help me keep my half-hearted smile on my face."

Draven turned to me and gave me a big toothy grin


"Hey, I bummed out the mood wanna end it on a good note?"

"What do you have in mind?"

"I call this game Vocabulary. You look at the person and say the word that comes to your mind while looking at them."

"Okay, you first." Draven said and we both turned to look at each other







sorry for shortness and mistakes, its because of my bitch-ass computer

WC: 530

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