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SOTC: Kina - get you the moon ft. Snow

two years later...


"GIDEON GET BACK HERE NOW!" I screamed at the two-year-old's receding figure.

"You can't catch me mommy!" He yelled back, turning around and making a face.

He was right. I couldn't. I was too pregnant with twins to have the energy to chase after him.

"But I can." Draven said and caught the boy and threw him over his shoulder.

"My knight in shining armor." I said intertwining my hands and swaying side to side.

"Can this knight get a kiss?" 

"Indeed he can." I said and leaned upwards to give him a kiss.

"Ew, you guys are nasty." 

Draven set Gideon down and grabbed one of his hands. He grabbed mine and gave it a small kiss and caressed it with his thumb.

"Come on let's go home."

"Yeah let's." I said and we began walking.

We made it back home and Gideon ran inside and into his room.

"Hey Vanessa I'll start dinner and you rest okay?"

"Okay." I said and sat on the couch.

A couple of minutes later dinner was ready and Draven called Gideon down to eat. We sat at the dinner table that needed renovating now that we had two baby girls on the way.

"So Vanessa I have something to ask you." Draven said with a serious face.

"Okay, what's up?"

He got up from his chair and walked around to where I was. He got down on one knee and pulled out a diamond ring from his left pocket.

"Vanessa, I'm going, to be honest. If it wasn't for you, I would have been dead." He said and took a deep breath.

"But now I'm here with you and there is nothing in the world that can make me happier if you were my wife. You are the literal angel of my life and I can't see my life without you, So, with that being said, will you be my wife?" He said with sincerity in his eyes.

"No." I said.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out the small plastic ring that he had given me when we went to the movies.

"Will you marry me?" I said with teary eyes.

"Yes." He said, his eyes reflecting nothing but love.

"Draven and Vanessa. Husband and Wife."


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