Chapter 8

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SOTC : Somebody that I used to know - Gotye


"Class Dismissed."

This has been an eventful day of college, to say the least. I had gotten a lot of attention because of my new look, and of course, Vanessa has gotten a lot of catcalls from people, male and female, but she kindly declined all of them.

"Hey, I'm gonna go to my locker and I'll just meet you outside." Vanessa said lightly patting my arm.

"Okay. No Problem" I said and walked outside.

I was waiting outside for Vanessa when Penelope approached me.

"Hey, Dravy." She said dragging it out, trying to sound seductive but really sounding like nails on a chalkboard.

"What do you want." I said annoyed.

"I want you again. And I know I messed up, but I promise I'll do better."  She said giving me a face I once thought was cute but now is repulsive.

"Leave me alone. You never wanted me. You just wanted to be the one to have the heart of 'silent boy'. Don't give me those dumb excuses of how you have changed. Because if you really wanted to get back together you would've done it sooner and not when I got a new makeover."

"No you have it all wrong I didn't use you I actually lo-"

"Don't bullshit me with your dumb ass excuses. You used me and that's it. There is no if's, and's, or buts about it."

"No Draven, I-I loved you."

"Stop lying. If you would've told me this while we were in a relationship I would've believed you. But now you opened my eyes to what a manipulative leech you are. We are NEVER happening again. NEVER."

At that moment Vanessa walked up and pulled me away.

"Draven, Draven, calm down. I need you to calm down for me okay." Vanessa said looking me in my eyes.

I wasn't calming down, as much as I desperately wanted to. She took note and put her hands on my cheeks, caressing my face with her thumbs.

Slowly, I began to calm down, little by little by little until I was fully calmed down again.


"Much Better."

I started to walk when I felt small fingers intertwine with mine. I looked down and saw Vanessa's fingers with mine, I looked at her and she gave me a small smile. I returned it and continued to look forward.

"You deserve to know why I dislike Penelope."

"You don't have to tell me anything you aren't comfortable with."

"No, I think you have the right to know."

"Okay but tell me when we get home."


She looked at me and smiled and said "Home."

A couple of minutes later we arrived back at the rustbucket apartment and gotten comfortable on the boxy bed.

"It was about 2 or three months ago. I was known as 'the silent boy' or very rarely 'homeless kid' but 'the silent kid' stuck better. Out of nowhere, Penelope approached me and asked me if we could become friends, I said yes and we became best friends in less then 2 weeks."

"Go on."

"One day she started acting distant from me and avoiding me. One day I asked what was up with her and she said that she had a crush on me and didn't want to strain our friendship. I told her we could try a relationship as long as we promise that our friendship wouldn't get affected by it."

"And it did?"

"Shush, let me finish."

"Our relationship was going great for a good month and a half when I wanted to surprise her. So, I told her that I had extended study hall and that I would meet her at her house when I was finished. Once school was dismissed I planned the perfect date. A walk on the beach with a nice picnic, so  all that was left was to pick her up."

I took a deep breath and continued,

"When I got to her house, her door was unlocked which was peculiar, so I opened the door and walked to her bedroom. When I was about to open the door I heard talking and as much as I didn't want to I eavesdropped on the conversation. She was talking to a guy, who I recognized to be Marcus, the captain of the basketball team. They were talking about how the plan was going, when was she going to break my heart and how she was going to reveal how I was unimportant to her. So little by little, I put together that she was using me. I didn't confront her I just left her house with a broken heart."

"What next?"

"The next day at college she tried to get all buddy-buddy with me and I wasn't having it, so I broke up with her, but hen she started screaming at me telling me she was supposed to do it first. Then she started screaming the plan out loud of her planning to break my heart. People gave me sympathetic looks but I didn't care and went on with my day. But now that I look brand new, she's trying to get with me again."

" Welp it looks like its time to call pest control."


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