Chapter 15

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SOTC: Lil Peep & XXXTENTACION - Falling down

I gathered Vanessa's body in my hands and looked at Marcus with my teary eyes.

"What have you done!"

"I-I-I didn't me-mean to."

He looked absolutely mortified. Then he concealed the gun and dug in his pocket and threw out his phone.

"Call the ambulance!" He said and ran away.

Just as I picked up the phone Vanessa grabbed my wrist.

"You can't."

"But why. You're bl-bleeding."

"My wing. And I'm fine Draven he just shot me in the shoulder."

"Wh-at do I-I do?" I said and wiped his bloody hands on his jeans.

"Take me home. I'll te-ll you what to do there."

I gathered Vanessa and my hands and sprinted home. I didn't care about the looks I got from onlookers I just needed to make sure she was okay.

We arrived at the apartment as fast as I could run and kicked open the apartment door.

"Draven it's not that serious."

"Yes, it is now tell me what I need to do."

"Get a pair of tongs, the vodka you never drink, an old t-shirt and heat up a knife." She said graspings at the wound.

"How are you so calm?"

"I got my wing cut off, all this does is stings." She said and waved for me to get the stuff.


"Okay, what now."

"Take the tongs and try to find the bullet."

"I-I can't." He said switching his eyes from me to the tongs.

I quickly wiped my hand on my jeans and then held his cheek.

"You can. Now Hurry."

He reluctantly held the tongs in his hand and moved it towards my wound. He looked at me and I gave him a slight nod to tell him that I was ready.

He took a deep breath and dug it into my wound. I could feel the tears gather in my eyes, but I wouldn't let them fall.

"Got it." He said and dropped both on the floor.

"Get the vodka and clean the wound," I said with a shaky voice.

He got the vodka and poured on the old shirt. he carefully wiped in and around it.

"What next?"

"The knife. Do as you did when my wing was cut off."

He got the knife and smeared it on the wound.

The tears in my eyes started to fall.

"Don't cry. Please don't cry."


After the wound was cauterized he wrapped it in another old shirt.

"I'm gonna get in the shower." Draven said walking off

I grabbed his wrist "Hey Draven."

"Yes, Vanessa?"

"I love you."

biology is a pain in the ass

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