The Jealousy Kiss

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Slash's hands keep working their magic on his guitar, he tries to focus on the set list they are playing, but his mind is elsewhere. He couldn't take his mind off of the question he had asked his Alpha a few weeks prior to playing at this random venue.

Wonder what your gonna be like when your jealous...Alpha.

The question has repeated itself over and over inside his head over the past few weeks.

What would he be like?

Slash feels sweat drip down his body. He takes a quick glance at his Alpha, who is destroying the crowd with just glances, but... His attention seems to be focused on another Alpha in the crowd. Slash quickly looks to where Axl's gaze connects with the Alpha. He was attractive enough. Tall, broad. Brown eyes, blonde natural hair. But what made him shiver was... the Alpha was staring right at him.

Frankly though, Slash couldn't care less. He had the best Alpha in the world. An Alpha who he'd wanted ever since he saw him and the matching bond mark, let alone his name. He wouldn't even bat an eyelash at the other Alpha, Axl should know that.

But the other Alpha is pushing through the crowd to get closer. Smirking up at Slash like he is a piece of meat, not even a person. That's the type of people, let alone Alphas, that Slash can't stand.

That doesn't seem to matter to Axl though, it was very subtle, but even Slash could hear the low growl under every word that the Alpha sang.

Was this it? Was this Axl...jealous?

Slash's eyes widen, his mouth parting as he licks his lips. This is it. His Alpha is jealous.

His eyes roam to the guy in the crowd, he was right in front of Slash now, looking up at him with lust filled eyes.

Axl's mind is in overdrive. How dare another Alpha try to hit on his omega? He growls lowly beneath every word he's singing, his eyes connecting with the Alphas over the mic.

He sees his omega's eyes on him as that teasing little tongue peaks out from between his lips, staring at his Alpha in hopes of what to do. To be honest, even Axl didn't know what to do. He didn't have reasons to be jealous over his omega up until now, he would always make sure Slash knew he was his. Whether it be a simple love bite on the side of his neck, or his omega screaming his name for the whole city to hear.

Axl keeps watch as the Alpha slides his hand up his omegas leg through the crowd.

Let me tell you, the worst sound in the world to any Alpha, is hearing another Alpha rip their omega's pants. On top of that, not able to do anything, because your in the middle of a concert, and trying to not get a lawsuit on your hands.

Slash panics when the Alpha rips his pants. Then his hand slides inside grabbing something that has always been Axl's.

Oh, that was it.

Axl sees red as he launches off the stage, a fiery ball of rage as he tackles the guy into the crowd, out for as much blood as he can get, as he blacks out pounding knuckles against teeth, head against head.

The people in the crowd are in shock as they hear multiple cracks and blood spurting everywhere.

All Slash can do is watch as his Alpha defends him. Why is this so hot? Seeing his Alpha cracking bones and punching and hitting over him.

Finally, after what seems like an eternity of the hottest sight Slash had ever seen, his eyes are ripped away from it as security rushes over.

In the end it takes all four security guards to rip the fiery redhead away from the destruction that was happening.  They quickly push him back onstage, getting the other guy, who has the bone of his nose halfway out of his skull, out of the area and to the exit.

Slash looks at his Alpha in shock. There was blood all over his shirt and torso, why is this turning the omega on?

Slash quickly walks over as the end of the song Welcome To The Jungle comes on, not questioning it, and presses his lips desperately against his Alphas.

Axl growls into the kiss, quickly pulling his omega backstage. They only get as far as the nearest wall, before Axl is shoving his omega into the wall by the hand around his throat.

His hand slowly descends down to his omegas torn jeans as he grips his cock through his pants. He eyes almost red in the dim lighting.

Slash tries to lower his head in submission, but yelps as his head is yanked back up against the wall, his Alpha's nose running along his neck, his tongue sliding up his neck, in the way he knows drives the omega wild.

The omega's mouth slides open, as he tries to work at the button of his Alpha's pants, the Alpha busy making every single love mark he can, before they have to go back out to the stage again.

"You're mine omega. Always remember that." His Alpha growls, finally letting him look at his Alpha properly.

"I'm yours. Always yours Alpha." The omega pants, sliding his tongue over his Alphas jaw.

"You're always gonna remember who you belong to after tonight, my omega."

"You're never going to forget who your Alpha is, again." The Alpha growls, as the omega's eyes widen.

After that night, Slash never could get it out of his mind how much he really is Axl's. Every touch from the Alpha made him tremble, every lick made him rethink everything he ever knew.
Everything the Alpha did make him question his very existence. Even the Alpha's name made him want to get on his knees and beg.

Oh no, after that night... Slash could never even get Axl out of his head, let alone forget that he is his.

Next one is gonna be a little more..

Stay tuned...

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