Profile: Lizzy

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Name: Lizzy (No last name)

Age: 15

Height: 5'5

Looks: (If the picture doesn't show) Orange hair, rinnegan eyes but when you have your rinnegan off your eyes are black, normal ninja attire.

Weapons: Uses shurikens and kunais but normally uses a katana that controls the elements.

Powers: She has the rinnegan and she is able to control all the elements (fire, earth, water, air) she can even control shadows. Her kantana she uses is able to absorb the elements she uses. For example, if she was using a fire style jutsu then she could let the blade of the katana have fire around it and even if the fire touched herm it wouldn't effect her. She also has a wolf partner named Chaos, who has the ability to grow and shrink at Lizzy's will. He has black fur, blue eyes, the tips of his ears are orange, and the tip of his tail is white. He helps Lizzy in battles by suppling her with chakra when she is low and he is a ninja wolf.

Personality: Bold, loves fighting and is generally a nice person, if you mess with her friends then she will kick your as*

Family: Considers Chaos and Ashleigh as family but is unaware of any real family members existing

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