new friends, and a deadline

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A/N: Alright, welcome to the next part, the winning OC's are, 

Jessie Night a Dragon Faunus, From PhionexTeen83

Anthony Stone a Wolf Faunus, From Rebellion_Of_Death

Ventus Valentine a Fox Faunus, From Yamonto

and Jason Reaper a Shark Faunus, From GraphaGodOfSaiyans

and if anyone wants to know more info on those OC's then check them out in the last chapter or keep reading, now to those who have also contributed OC's to the story, i might use them in the future so don't worry, but without further a due, on with the story (P.S. this chapter will have a lemon at the end, ye been warned)



a flash of thunder roared as i saw the top of beacon, but destroyed, and in the middle of it all was Pyrrha and cinder drawing her bow about to shoot, she let go, *CRASH*, thunder roared as everything went black.

Then a figure appeared, but it wasn't just any figure, it was you, but with a giant scare on his face from his left eye to the right side of his face, he wore your suit but with a hood on the cape and the cape bigger so it wraps around him, the cape was to the side showing the suit, but some what tattered up, and not to mention a hole in his chest with a flame coming out of it

Dream you: you must save her, all all cost's, if not, Beacon Will Fall!

Dream you: you have 4 weeks, stop the warrior, now, Wake Up.

Dream Over-

I instantly shot up from the dream i just had, was that real? Warrior? what warrior? what was happening? for now I just decided to shrugged it off and think on it later, you looked out the window to see it was day and decided to get up and walk around, after you got some clothes on of course, you walked around a bit noticing how this was actually some kind of base/warehouse, you kept walking until you turned a corner and ran into two girls, one with a white brown and pink color scheme and one with green hair and darkish skin,

Me: um, hi?

???: hey, you must be the guy who was captured

Me: and what makes you think that?

she pointed to her neck, obviously referencing to the collar i was wearing, damn it,

Emerald: anyway, i'm Emerald and this is Neo, she's mute

Me: interesting, do you know sign language by chance Neo?

Neo shook her head yes with a small smile

(when i do #this# its sign language)

Me: #I know sign language too#

Neo's eyes instantly lit up like a little kid. she looked as happy as she ever could be.

Emerald: wow, you made her happy, where did you learn sign language?

Me: when i was in school a new kid was deaf so i learned sign language and we became best friends.

a little after that we wondered around the facility together while i kept talking with them, we actually got along really well, even taught Emerald a little sign language, they later had to leave because they had to go on a mission with Cinder or something, they said they probably wouldn't be back for awhile, but before they left Cinder gave me a scroll so she could text me to do things. she later introduced me to a guy named Roman Torchwick, she said i was gonna be his lackey for awhile, so i had to do that in the mean time.

A Hunter For Fun (Rwby x male one punch man reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora