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A/N: welcome to the next part, hope you enjoy


Weiss POV

After awhile we finally got to beacon, when we got there and walked out Ozpin turned and told me to go with the medic team to stay with my team, i complied and went to the infermiry to watch over my team.

Ozpin POV

this boy, his aura.... its god like. I cant even describe it, if he where to be one the wrong side, oum help us all. we got to the elevator and i pressed the button to go up I looked over to the boy to see him there with a blank soft boiled egg expression. when we finally got to my office i went over to my desk and sat down i said for him to take a seat, he obliged.

Ozpin: so, could you tell me how you did that

???: did what?

Ozpin: oh i dont know, maybe move faster than the blink of an eye, or maybe how you took down that beast that bested my best students with a single punch.

???: oh, that... well, im just really strong

Ozpin: ....what are you?

???: a Hero For Fun

Ozpin: a hero for fun eh? but your name, whats your name

(Y/N): (Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N)

Ozpin: well then (Y/N), how would you like to join Beacon?

Ruby POV

my eyes slowly opened and i saw a white cieling, remembering what happened i shot up and out of the infirmary bed to check on my team when yang stoped me.

Ruby:Yang? what happened? where is everybody

Yang: we got knocked out rubes, and everyones fine, i just woke up

weiss and blake walks in.

Blake: Ruby, your awake, good how are you feeling

Ruby: fine, just a little light headed, what happened?

Weiss: we fought against 'vaccine man' and lost-

Yang: cant belive we lost to a guy with such a stupid name

RB: yeah

Weiss: but we where saved by a guy who beat him

Ruby: really? who?

Weiss: i dont know, ididnt get a good look at his face but he beat him in one punch

the team except Weiss looked completely shocked

Blake: wait, how is that even possible, are you sure thats what happened

Weiss: yes, im possitive thats what happe-

Weiss was interupted by the door to the infirmary being open and Ozpin and a guy walking in

3rd POV

Ruby: hey proffesor Ozpin, whos the guy?

Weiss: wait, your that guy who one punched that creature!

???: yes, i am

Ozpin: Girls, this is (Y/N), hes your new team member


(Y/N): sup

Ozpin: i'll leave you to get acquainted

Ozpin left leaving the girls and you alone

(Y/N): um, hi

Ruby: (wow, he's really cute) hi, i-im ruby, im t-the leader

Weiss: (oh my, i"ve never noticed how handsome he is) My name is Weiss Schnee

Blake: (oh oum that face is so handsome) h-hi im Blake B-Beladona

Yang: (hellooooo sexy~) Hey there handsome~

Ruby: yang stop being weird

(Y/N): (something tells me im gonna like ity here)

you thought smileing

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