"Yeah true, we don't have to get scared we are just gonna encounter the lecturer and our course mates that's all. After all we've been learning with them for like a year and right?" I said with nervousness written all over my features. 

"Yeah" replied Lilian "There is no need for us to be scared Jennifer. We re adults here not run wisest high school students haha"

With that we both pushed the front doors open, cool air latched on our skins almost freezing. Thanks for my granny sweater I was putting on.

We entered closing the door slowly, rushing to go and get a sit. Halting briefly as I saw the large number of students in the hall.

Wait woah it wasn't just my course mates that where in the hall, some seniors where here too.

I don't understand

And Chris was here also, looking directly at me. His dark eyes penetrating deeply into my soul. Gosh my heart was given me flip-flops right now.

We were greeted by an angry stare of a very fair blond lady on glasses, she was tall , thin and looked too poised like a personal instructor from England. Behind her stood a man he was also tall but his skin was tanned compared to hers , but he more welcoming than her.

They were both standing on the podium with a projector behind them. The fair lady dropped her lecture note on the lectern, crossing her arms on her chest.

"And who are you two?" she asked rudely.

"I'm Lilian and this is Jennifer." she said pointing at me.

The lecturer eyed me up and down, then raised her brows at me.

I guess I look very bad; I was on a black skirt that stopped exactly under my knees, a white girly top and my old granny's sweater.

"Why are you both late to class, in less than 20mins this class would be over."

The whole attention of the class was centered on us, I felt like peeing in my pants

"We are so sorry miss, we knew nothing about this course and before we could figure out our location it took ages" said Lilian

"Am going to pardon the both of you due to the fact that's this our first meeting and class together"

"Thank you miss" we both say in unison.

"You can go and take your seat, and do that quietly" She warned

We took our seats in the front of the class, luckily they was free seats for the both of us.

The lecturer cleared her throat, adjusted her mouth piece "My name is miss Lauretta, am going to be taking you on human relations, and this gentleman by my side is Mr Gregory and my assistant"

She said looking directly at me before looking at Lilian. "Now that's enough introduction for the day, you both save your names for our next class." she said curtly

"Now where did we stop?" she asked facing the class, smiling widely

"The trip" shrieked some students behind  us excitedly from the crowd

"The trip?" I and Lilian turned to each other the same time before turning our attention to the miss Lauretta .

"Yes the trip" she clicked her fingers together like she just won something.

"This human relations course is new to this school and due to the fact that some of us here are about graduating and the rest are growing up, I and my colleague had decided of a way to try to relate our course to you all in a faster and more understandable way. So am going to let him take over from here"

The billionaire in my pants ~~COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now