Chapter 3 ✔️

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The first day of school- well, for me- finally arrives. Whereas I should be fixing up my requirements and mentally and physically preparing, I am instead watching a rerun of How I Met Your Mother in my living room as I eat a bowl of fruit loops.

The doorbell rings in the middle of the episode, distracting me. I tear my gaze away from the screen and reluctantly set my bowl down, getting up on my feet.

"I'll get it," I announce to my parents who are eating breakfast as well, but in the dining area.

I head to the door, wondering who would be visiting us at this hour. It's a school day and quite early in the morning, so it's a highly unlikely occurrence. I peek through the glass on the sides to know who's outside, and when I realize who it is, I swing open the door.

"Scott," I greet.

My cousin grins broadly at me. "Hi Riles. We're here to pick you up."


"Hi Riley!" I hear Stiles. I look behind Scott and see Stiles's jeep parked there with him inside, waving madly.

I laugh and shake my head. "Hold on, I'll go tell my dad not to drive me anymore." I turn to walk back in, but stop and face Scott again. "You know, just come in. My parents obviously won't mind."

"Right, okay."

Scott steps inside after me, not bothering to even shut the door. I'll make sure to order him to do exactly that next time.

"Mom, Dad," I say, catching my parents' attention. My mom was simply eating her toasted bread and eggs while my dad was reading the newspaper. In unison, they both look up to see Scott and I standing there.

"Oh, hello Scott." Dad smiles, noticing the boy first.

"Scott and Stiles offered to pick me up," I tell them.

"So I won't drive you anymore?" Dad clarifies and Scott and I nod. "Alright then."

"Have fun in school!" Mom says excitedly as if I was going in to kindergarten.

"'Kay," I say simply. "Bye!" Then I lightly push Scott to move. He does so and I jog into the living room, grab my bag and binder, then face him.

"Ladies first." He gestures to the door.

I roll my eyes but I have a slight smile on my face and follow him anyways, leaving first. We walk a number of steps already and I haven't heard Scott close the door yet again.

"Shut the door this time, would you?" I say to him without looking back. A second later, the sound of the door clicking shut is heard and I smile triumphantly. I instantly get in the back seat of the jeep, knowing I'm supposed to sit there, and then I wave at Stiles.

"Hiya," I smile, just as Scott goes inside as well. Stiles then starts the car and we head to Beacon Hills High School.

The car ride is silent, but I don't mind because I am crazy nervous. Not only is it my first day in this school, but it's also my freshman year. Plus, I've got a cheerleading team tryout tomorrow, and I'm more anxious about being accepted as a person than actually getting in.

I watch the houses pass by as I fret about any possible thing that might happen today.

"Stop worrying," Scott suddenly says.

"Huh?" I ask, looking at him. "How could you tell? You can't even see me."

"I can see you," he says quickly. "And I can just tell. Besides, you don't have time to worry 'cause we're already here."

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