Chapter 14

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"Where have you been?"

I wince at the loudness of my mom's scolding voice. I had forgotten to inform her and Dad where I went the whole time from leaving school with Garrett and Scott to staying in Deaton's clinic.

"There was an issue with um, Scott and one of our friends," I say slowly, hoping to calm them down.

"And you didn't bother to call us?" Dad asks with his arms folded.

"I texted you that I was with Scott," I try. "I'm sorry."

"Yes, but that was over two hours ago. It was very irresponsible for you to just go out at night like this, especially with those fugitives from your school on the loose."

I gulp upon remembering that both Violet and Garrett are no longer alive. Despite the fact that they're murderers, I can't help but feel sorry for them. I bet their parents are going to be extremely horrified that they've died, and it wasn't enough that they had to be killers when they were alive.

"I know," I say guiltily. "I really am sorry. I promise to update you more regularly."

They sigh in unison. "Next time, you won't be let off this easy."

I smile slightly, knowing that they're starting to forgive me. I really do feel bad that I haven't told them where I was going. It must've worried them a lot, especially since we're still sort of new to this place.

"We left some of the pasta I made tonight in the fridge," Mom tells me after a moment of silence.

"It's late, so eat your dinner soon, alright?" my dad says. He still seems to be more mad about this situation, so he walks away and heads to his and Mom's room to call it a night. Mom follows him after a while, but not before kissing me on the forehead.

"Mom," I whine jokingly.

She laughs back and shakes her head, then leaves me standing there. I lock the front door and head to my kitchen, ready to finally eat something after a long night. I'm just glad that it's a Saturday tomorrow and the juniors of Beacon Hills High School will be taking their PSATs, so I hope Scott will be too busy doing all that to focus on anything werewolf-related.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

That's the first thing I hear the next morning. I reach for my phone on the bedside table.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

I groan and manage to grab my phone. Startlingly, I nearly drop it as I tap on it randomly until I finally answer the call.

"Riley Bales."

I instantly recognize the voice. "What?" I say, not really in the mood to talk.

"Not really a morning person, huh?"

"Yep. Why are you calling, Liam? It's so early."

"It's not that early anymore, actually. It's like, 10 am."

"Wait, seriously?" I say in disbelief.

"Yeah seriously," he chuckles. "Were you up late last night?"

"Sort of." Last night, I had decided to get started on my homework already to clear my head and keep me distracted. It did pretty much that and before I knew it, it was two in the morning. I even stayed up a bit later just to watch a few shows...

"Anyway, I was going to ask you if you wanted to hang out today. Maybe later at one or something."

That's a really normal thing to do compared to everything that's happened these past few days, so I immediately agree. "Sure."

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