Chapter 17

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"Mason, what's the big deal about the bonfire tonight, anyways?"

"Everyone's gonna be there, Riley. Besides, it's going to be fun. And isn't your cousin going?"

Another day, another time for school. The events from last night had not made its way to school, thankfully. No one knows about Scott's near-death experience, so it isn't a topic of discussion today. Sure, I'm still a bit scared after my own cousin could've died, and the fact that I faced Kate who I learned is extremely dangerous, but I'm doing fine.

It's still early in the morning as I now talk with Mason about the upcoming bonfire that would take place tonight. I had also almost forgotten about the fact that the entire lacrosse team would be there, and Scott, being the captain, shouldn't miss it. That doesn't mean he won't, though.

"Well, I'm actually not sure if he'll come," I admit, taking some books out of my locker.

"Oh. But I bet there'll be a lot of people you know!"

I think of Lacy and Stella. Maybe they would come. Lacy seems more like the type to socialize since she's very approachable. Stella, on the other hand, might not tag along, meaning Lacy would probably hang out with some other girls. I don't know for sure, though.

"Yeah. Maybe."

"So, would your parents allow you to come?"

"If I tell them all the details and update them every waking moment, then yes, most probably," I answer my friend, shutting my locker door close.

Mason chuckles and starts to walk. "Good. I don't want to be alone tonight."

We stop talking about the event momentarily as we walk in the halls of Beacon Hills High School. As we near the entrance, we spot Liam entering, swinging his backpack over one shoulder.

"Liam!" Mason calls out.

"Hey," I say happily. Oddly enough, Liam looks very startled, even jumping a bit at our voices. I don't think Mason notices though, or he just doesn't think much of that. I narrow my eyes slightly at Liam's actions.

"Are we gonna see you at the bonfire tonight?" asks Mason.

"You're both going?" Liam questions but sounds distracted.

"I am, but Riley still has to ask."

"Well, uh, I'm thinking about skipping it," he finally answers.

"What?" I ask in mild surprise.

"You're not skipping it," Mason says firmly.

"Why not?"

"Because you're on the lacrosse team. Don't you have to go?"

"I don't..." Liam pauses, looking down the hall to his right. I curiously glance quickly, but don't see anything out of the ordinary. Just the usual students chatting. "I... I don't think I can make it."

"You're coming," Mason insists. And we're gonna find you a nice girl that you can embarrass yourself in front of, and find me a lacrosse player. Because statistically speaking, someone on your team has gotta be on my team. Alright?"

The thought of Liam finding a girl sounded... different to me. I don't dwell on it for long, though, since I laugh heartily at the last few things Mason told Liam. My laughter slowly quiets down because Liam continues to not seem to be listening to us. It's like he's just there, staring at something, looking even a bit anxious. What was making him like this? I didn't think his amusing attitude from last night after all the tiring events could change into this overnight.

"Liam?" says Mason.

"You okay there?" I ask in concern.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." He nods a few times at me, then faces Mason. "Okay. I'll be there."

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