Chapter 19

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The weekend has finally arrived. Everyone besides Liam had been MIA for almost a whole day- well, to us anyways. All I know is that Stiles and Lydia had decided to go to Eichen House, a place for mental patients, for some clues. They found another banshee named Meredith whom Lydia knew for quite some time and was supposedly dead, but she was very much alive. I don't know much about her, but Scott said not to dwell on all of that. All he kept saying was that he would handle it.

I was last in touch with Scott late last night. I stayed up as usual since it's now a Saturday in the late afternoon, and he told me that he would be with Argent to help out another pack and that even more professional assassins might be after them; he claims they'll be different from the past ones. I shouldn't be surprised. Of course he was doing more selfless things.

Another thing is that Kira had come back. When her mother was injured a few days ago in the Beacon Hills Hospital after battling the Berserkers, she was transferred to a different center and is currently healing.

Now, I had just come back from watching a movie with my mom. She had the day off, so we decided to finally catch up on the recent movies. I'm currently in my bedroom just using my laptop, mindlessly scrolling through my timeline while I simultaneously finish typing out my essay for History class.

The familiar ring tone coming from my phone catches my attention. I leave my laptop, hop out of bed, and grab my phone on the table by my bed. Upon seeing one of the names who hasn't contacted me yet flashing on the screen, I immediately accept the call.

"Uh, Stiles?" I ask, a bit confused.

"Hey, Riley."

"What's up?"

"I just called to fill you in on everything."

"So, what happened? What did you do last night?"

"The dead pool... it's done."

I should be jumping for joy. If the dead pool is officially over, then all my friends are safe now. But my face stays emotionless and I can't help but not be satisfied with his words.

"That's amazing," I manage to say.

"Well, we hope it's done."

There it is. "Oh. What do you mean?"

"Firstly, you know Scott had to bring a woman named Satomi's pack to Argent last night, right?"

"Well, yeah."

"Brett's part of that too. You remember him, yeah? They were on the run and needed a safe place. More professional assassins came in to kill them but they soon left. Scott told me that he saw a message from the Benefactor."

"What did it say?"

"It said that all contracts were terminated."

"So what makes you unsure that everything isn't over just yet?" I question him, beginning to pace around my room.

"Scott told you how that Meredith girl is alive, yeah?"

I nod but realize he can't see me. "Oh, yeah."

"She only wanted to talk to Peter. To make things short, Peter was in a fire a long time ago. He got into a coma and was in the same room as Meredith, and her being a banshee, she could hear all his thoughts. Turns out he planned this whole dead pool thing from the start," Stiles says.

"Whoa," I breath. "How did you know this?"

"Lydia just told me. Also, her late grandmother was just like her. She created the list of supernatural creatures, but it was Peter's idea to make it a dead pool."

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