Chapter 13

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The car with Violet and some of the police arrives after what feels like ages of just sitting restlessly in the car of a teen murderer, also known as my former friend. I can see from the mirror that the car is approaching quickly. My palms start getting sweaty, anticipating what's going to happen next.

"You." Garrett turns to look at me. "You stay where you are. If I need help, which I really won't, I'm going to call you to shoot those guys."

"Shoot?" I gasp.

"You think I haven't done my research on you?" the boy laughs humorlessly. "I know you've done archery, and it's obvious that with all this going on, you would bring something with you." He even eyes my bag. I need to be more discrete with my weapons from now on. "Don't worry, I'm sure you won't need to kill anyone close to you. I'll be doing all of the work anyways." He attempts to sound sympathetic, but it's evident that it's fake.

The car we should be following finally surpasses us, so Garrett starts up his own again and trails a good distance behind it. Scott puts his hood on, ready to do what needs to be done.

"There's a stop sign half a mile ahead," Garrett informs him.

"So I take out the tires with my claws?"

"Teeth, claws, heat vision, whatever." Hold up, I don't remember any heat vision from Scott or Malia, or even Liam. Is that even a real ability? "Just stop them. You ready?"

Suddenly, Scott moves in his seat, staring straight ahead with his mouth open in shock. I look ahead as well to see what he's staring at. The car with the 'best of Beacon Hills' and Violet is turned over on the road, only two bodies on the ground.

"Stop, stop the car!" Scott shouts. Garrett hits the breaks and Scott jumps out of the car, running towards the men. "Dad! Dad!"

"Don't move," says Garrett calmly, getting out as well. He opens the door on my side and grabs his lacrosse stick. Oh shit, he's gonna use it on Scott.

"What are you doing?" I demand.

"You'll see," he smirks, shutting the door. I don't know why he's smirking. Does he think I can't get out of this car?

I check both doors and they're not even locked. I take out my bow and arrows from my bag and put it on. I swing open the door on the other side, stumbling out of the car just as Garrett nears the site of the accident.

"She's not in the car, Violet's gone," Scott says frantically, kneeling over who I assume are Mr. McCall and Sheriff Stilinski. Scott's dad is unconscious and looks pretty injured. Sheriff seems hurt as well, but it doesn't look life-threatening.

"Don't you dare even go near them." I point an arrow at Garrett, pulling my bow back so I'd be read to release.

"You think you can hit me?" he says cockily, swinging around his own weapon expertly. Although he does this, I'm sure he's still being cautious since I am pointing an arrow at him.

"I know I can," I attempt to sound just as confident, still walking until I'm the one nearer to Scott than Garrett is to them.

"Oh, please."

Ticked off at his cockiness, I pull back my bow even further and aim it at his thigh, not having the heart to actually shoot at his chest. I release it and hurls towards the ground quickly and a yelp comes from Garrett as the arrow pierces onto the side of his thigh.

"Bitch!" he swears.

"Dickhead!" I say back, just slightly guilty about hurting him, though. "Really wanna play the cussing game?"

"You've got bad aim, though," the guy manages to comment but grunts in pain afterwards.

I roll my eyes. "Oh, please," I copy. "It's not that. I'm just not that shallow to randomly kill someone."

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