Bonus Chapter ♡

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Freshman year at Beacon Hills High School went by extremely fast. With everything happening, I'm not surprised. Luckily, my grades haven't dropped like I thought it would, but I still have to be much more careful.

It's currently only the first week of summer, so nothing much has happened yet. My parents have a trip planned for most of the summer and it starts the week after this, so I spend my time hanging out with Liam, and Mason joins us when we ask him to. I won't be able to see them until the the week before school begins.

Now, I lie on my stomach comfortably on on Liam's bed. We had hung out with Mason in the movies earlier today, and since I live right next to Liam, he invited me to stay for a while.

"When are you leaving?" Liam now asks me.

"In three days," I reply.

"Have you even started packing yet?"

"Nope. I don't even know what to pack."


I send him a look. "Wow, I didn't think of that."

He chuckles and nudges me playfully. "Just trying to be helpful. Where are you going again?"

I pause, trying to remember the important details my mom and dad told me about our summer trip. "For the first month of summer, we'll be in Europe. The next three weeks after that, I'll be going back to Rosewood since I have a lot of relatives there. Like, I have a cousin there, Aria, who's been begging me to come back. My entire family loves getting together once in a while, which is why it was so easy for us to move here because of Scott and my aunt."

Liam sighs exaggeratedly. "It's nice that you'll get to see the rest of your family, but that also means I'll have to go over two months without getting to see you."

I laugh at his words. "So dramatic, Liam. I'll be back before you know it."

"Right, 'cause two months isn't long at all."

I roll my eyes and peck him on the lips quickly before sitting up. "I'm gonna head back now. I really should start packing. I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Sure," says Liam, doing the same. We both stand up and I make my way to the door. Liam pulls me back at the last moment and sneaks one last kiss from me. It makes me smile, but I soon step away and finally leave his room.

Things between us have been like this ever since that day he came back from Mexico. Nothing is awkward, but nothing much happens either. We kiss casually, we hang out a lot, but he's never mentioned anything about actually dating. I'm fine with how smoothly things are going, but I don't know how to think or feel about the fact that he's never once said anything about going on a real date.

→ → →

The doorbell ringing startles me. I drop the sweater I hold and look out the window but I can't see the person at the door from this view. Before I can finish my last minute packing for the flight today, my mom yells at me from her room.

"Riley! Answer the door!"

I sigh. She's quite busy right now because she's preparing all our other things needed for our flight. "Yeah!" I simply say back before zipping up my bag quickly and running out my bedroom. I jog down the stairs and have to dodge the many bags that are already there and hurry to the front door. When I swing it open, I'm met by Liam.

"Oh," I say, "hey Liam-"

He cuts me off my kissing me on the lips. Somehow, he always manages to surprise me in moments like this.

"Sorry," Liam says once he lets go. He shrugs and smirks. "Just wanted to say goodbye before you leave."

I grin at him. "That's nice," I laugh. "I'm leaving in like, five or ten minutes actually. But you can come in for a while."

"It's fine, I don't wanna be a bother," he tells me. "So... two months, huh?"

I smile sadly. "Yeah. Don't miss me too much," I joke.

"I'll try not to," he says cheekily, making me smile wider.

"Riley," I hear my mom say together with the sound of footsteps going down the stairs, "who's at the door?"

"It's Liam, Mom," I inform her, turning slightly to look at her. She still makes her way towards us to be polite and acknowledge Liam.

"Hi, Liam," she says to him with a friendly look.

"Hi, Mrs. Bales," he greets. "I just came by to wish you guys a safe flight."

"How nice of you." Liam nods as my mother continues to speak. "I hope you don't mind, but I have to get back and finish up packing."

"Oh, it's fine. I don't mind," he reassures her. With one last look, my mom retreats back into the house and heads back upstairs. I'm guessing she and dad will be ready in less than five minutes, so I have to hurry.

"I'll be back the week before school starts," I then say to Liam. "That's still enough time to-"

"To take you out on a date?"

I gape at him. "Wait, what?"

Liam suddenly looks shy as his gaze flits to the ground and then back at me. "I, uh, I want to take you out on a date."

I beam at him and nod many times. "Yeah, yeah, I'd like that. I'd love that."

Liam's expression brightens at my answer. "Really?"

"Really." I nod again with a small laugh. "Just tell me when."

"Right when you get back. I'm glad it'll be after a long time, though, to be honest."


"I have lots of time to plan to make the date amazing."

I shake my head thoughtfully. Instead of answering, I wrap my arms around him as a way of showing my appreciation. "I'm looking forward to it."

Liam hugs me back tighter. "Me too. Have a safe flight, Riley. I'll see you soon."

A/N: SURPRISE!!! IT'S AN UPDATE! As stated in the title for this part, this was just a bonus chapter, though! I felt like showing more of what happened to Riam during summer, and this isn't exactly an epilogue, so I called it a bonus chapter haha 😁 Aaaaaaannnddd, TEEN WOLF SEASON 5 IS FINALLY OUT GUYS YAY! TWO EPISODES IN A ROW IS JUST AMAZING 💖 Since season 5 has began, so will a new story for Riley and Liam! A SEQUEL WILL BE POSTED SOON! It will be called SINKING IN. The first chapter will be posted tomorrow, so stay tuned!

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