Chapter 11 Last chapter

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Hi peeps!


Please Lucy... Wake up...


Time skip Levi's POV

It's been two days since I became Lucy's mate. I've been having some urges...... EVERYONE'S BEEN SLACKING OFF WITH THEIR CLEANING! (You kinky people. This is a anti-lemon zone!) But I won't leave her side, I don't want her to wake up alone. I only leave to shower, get food, and check on my squad. Then I go back to Lucy.

Today when I came back from getting food, I saw Lucy sitting up. 'Lucy!' I thought. I was about to run up to her when I noticed that she was crying. I carefully set down my plate and close the door. I then walk over to Lucy and hug her. She tried to push me away using her arms, It didn't work, so she resorted to magic. Lucy made a see through dome barrier around her bed, effectivly pushing away from her. I banged on the glowing barrier. "Lucy! Take it down!" I say. "I-i'm s-so so-sorry, L-L-Levi. You have t-to be s-stuck with s-som-someone l-like m-m-me." Lucy sobbed. I was confused. First off, Lucy NEVER cried. Even when she caught her hand inbetween an oak door and broke it! Second, who wouldn't want to be with her? She's an angle in all ways. She's just a little broken. "Lucy, what are you saying? I'm here because I l-lo- like you." (A/N Levi what're you doing to my script?! I will NOT write more until you say it! You will never have children with Lucy! Re do it!) "Lucy, what are you saying? I'm here because I love you!" (A/N *Evil grin and evil laughing*) I say rephrasing my words after hearing a scary voice in my head. "That's not true! Y-you're just being influence b-by the m-mating heat. You don't l-love m-me." Lucy's voice cracks on the last part.

I lean against the dome. " I've felt this way since the moment I met you. The titan slaying angel. I didn't know what this feeling was at first so I acted cold to you. But I do love you." I say soothingly. "....You'll die too.... Everyone does..." She says quietly while griping the  blankets. "What?" I question. "I killed them all! Everyone who I care about dies! I thought I gave my mother a honeysuckle but it was a extremely poisenous flower. My twin sister jumped in front of me when she saw I wouldn't be able to put up a shield fats enough. MY FATHER KILLED HIMSELF WHEN HE HEARD MY SISTER WAS DEAD AND I WAS ALIVE! I'm a monster! I ruin everything! I should just die!" Lucy's eyes loose their light as she summoned  a knife her hand. My eyes widen. "No! Lucy!" I yell. I push against the barrier, trying my best to break through it.  I gathered my strength and finally busted through the barrier. it hurt, but I ignored it.. I ran to Lucy, got on top of her, and pinned her to the bed.

"Lucy! Y-you can't die! Y-you just can't!" I hadn't realised I was crying until I saw the small drops of water drip onto Lucy's face. Lucy looked shocked. So I lowered myself and kissed her. (A/N I'm seriously cringing as I write this part. You better be glad i'm a nice person, readers.) Her lips were soft and they tasted like coffee and vanilla. (A/N Major gagging is occuring in my room as I write this.) I finally moved off of her and pulled her into my arms. Lucy cried and cried. Tears for her lost ones and tears because she's been strong for too long.

Eventually, Lucy stopped crying and fell asleep. So I scooped her up and carried her to  my room. I pulled back the covers and lay her down. Then I got into the bed and curled my body around hers. In minutes, I fell asleep too.

Lucy's POV

It's been one week since me... breakdown. Everything's back to normal except, we all take turns making food and Levi forces me eat. I've also moved into Levi's room. We're happy, but I don't know how to tell Levi that i'm still dying.

A flash of light snaps me out of my thoughts. It's Leo and Aquarius. "Lucy! What are you doing? You need to claim him! You. Are. Dying!" Aquarius says. "I think... it would be better that way." I say quietly. Leo runs over to me and wraps me in his arms. "You're not aloud to die. So that's why i'm doing this." I hear a clink of metal. I didn't realize he put chains on me. I try to break them but my magic doesn't work. "Leo! Don't do it! Let me go!" I yell as Leo runs off to find Levi.

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