Chapter 6

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Hmmmmmm.... Bananas sound really good right now. REALLY good.

Lucy has been locked up in a filthy cell until her trial. Sucks to be her!


Lucy's POV

"That mother(BLEEPING) BASTARD!!!!!" I shouted in a fit of rage. 'He's gonna die a long and painful death for putting me in this pig pen! But first, I'm going to get out of these irritating cuffs!' In seconds, the hand cuffs that were previously holding me to the wall. After that, I had a chance to look around my cell better. "Filthy.... Absolutely filthy!"

I summoned my really good cleaning supplies and started to scrub everything down. I replaced the bucket that was in the corner and put a mini bed from the celestial world in the corner. Once I was satisfied with the state of the room, I put my cleaning stuff away and made a ball of light. The sphere made it's way to the middle of the ceiling, making light flood the room. After that, I fell asleep.

I wake up the sound of gasps. Opening my eyes,I saw Levi right in my face. I quickly put my arm out, hitting him square in the face. "Too close, go away! Shoo!" I yawned. Levi was holding his face. "Ow! I was going to compliment you on your cleaning, but nevermind! Anyways, it's time for your trial." He said gruffly, regaining his composure.

Yawning, I sat up and slid off the little cot. Levi then grabbed my wrists gentely, surprising right, and put a tight pair of hand cuffs on them. He then led me to a room filled with people. I'm guessing that it was the courtroom. "On your knees." He ordered me once we got to the middle of the room. (A/N Oh Levi! Don't be kinky! *Slapped*) I slowly got to my knees. Once I did, he put a pole behind me. Levi then walked away.

"Ahm! Lucy..... What is your last name to start?" The judge began. "I do not have a last name." I lied. "Okay... Lucy. You will either go to the Recon Corps or the Military Police. Do you agree?" I nodded and he continued. "So. Where are you from? Do you pose as a threat to human kind?" I sighed then spoke. "I am not from this planet. I come from a place called Earthland. 10% of the human population use magic. The other 90% are either incapable of wielding magic, or they refuse to. Where I come from, we have no titans. Instead, our enemies are often humans." I was interupted. "Magic? Real magic?" The judge asked with a curious face. I nodded. "Yes. And I do not believe I am a threat to human kind, considering, I was sent here to help you. Though, I could easily destroy your walls." 

"Ha! Yeah right, I bet she couldn't harm a fly!" I heard a thump then foot steps. Then a foot connected with my face. I could of easily broken the hand cuffs and blocked the blow but, I decided to use this to my advantage. The guy from the Military Police side continued to beat me. It was kind of annoying that no one stopped him. But soon enough he stopped. Once that happened, I asked the dude a question. "Are you done? Good 'cause now it's my turn." With that, I snapped the chains that were holding me down and used my telekineses on him. I wanted to be showy, so I directed the flow of magic with my hands.

I first lifted him up a few feet and cut off his air supply, then I raised him even higher until he almost touched the ceiling. "Now listen here you ignorant humans. You have nothing to fear from me unless you provoke me. But. I can easily be your way out of this cage you call 'home.' So it would be in your best interest if you didn't lose me." I say in a cold and calculating tone. I looked at the man that I was holding in the air. Then, I dropped him. You could hear bones breaking but no one wanted to get him. 

"U-um, L-Lucy will g-go with the Recon Corps on Squad Levi." The judge decided.

Levi's POV

When that guy's foot hit her face, I was fuming. Hanji, Eren, Mikasa, and Armin had to hold me back when I tried to go out there. After a few minutes, I heard her ask, "Are you done? Good, 'cause now it's my turn." Her voice was ice cold and calculating. Once I heard that, I stopped struggling because had a gut feeling that she was going to handle it. And oh how right I was. Lucy demon then proceeded to lift up that Military Police guy and drop him from the ceiling. Not to mention, she basicly threatened all of humanity. Regardless, I still felt......attracted to her? What ever i'll figure that out later. But now, we are leading Lucy Demon to the infirmary to get her cleaned up dispite her protests. My team and Hanji followed us.

Lucy's POV

As we walked to the infirmary I saw the brown haired boy sneaking glances at me and whispering to his blond and black haired friends. I didn't really care but there was one thing that bothered me. The brunette's aura was different. I stared at him for a while trying to figure out why it was so different. When we made it to the infirmary, I still couldn't figure it out. Finally, after they fixed up my face I turned to the brunette boy and asked, "What the hell are you?"

The boy looked deathly afraid and the black haired girl stepped in front of him. "Why do you want to know?" She asked werily. "Well his aura is giving me a head ache. Plus, it's clearly different from the rest of the humans here." I paused and examaned her and Levi. "Except you and Levi...." "What do you mean by that?" She asked now curious.

I tilted my head. "You guys should know." I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Levi. "Just tell us." He said in a impatent tone. I sighed. "Well you and the girl over there are different. Judging by your auras, you have a little magic." It was silent for a few seconds. "WHAT!?" Ahh, my ears are dying. "Are you going to tell me your names? Or answer my question?" A women with glasses broke out of her daze and nodded. "The black haired girl is Mikasa, the blond is Armin, and the brown haired dude is Eren. Eren, is a titan shifter! Oh! My name is Hanji." A titan shifter? Cool. I felt two hands on my shoulders. I looked up to see Mikasa right in front of me. "Can I do anything cool?" There was a little excitement in her voice. I touched her hand and measured how much magic she had. It wasn't a lot but, she could do a little magic. "Yes. You can't do a lot but, you can still do something. I can train you. Because right now, you are using it but not effectivly. You too Levi. Now. Do I have a room? I want to sleep." Mikasa stared at me with wide eyes then let go.

"Come on Lucy Demon. We're going to your room." Levi said. I nodded but then what he said regestered. "Who the hell are you calling Demon?!"

I'm done. Bye bye! 1253 words.

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