Chapter 8

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*Next Day!*

Lucy's POV

I wake up at 4: 15 in the morning. I tried to go back to sleep but, that failed. So I got up, took a shower and put on the fugly uniform and the 3DMG. This all took 15 minutes. I made my way to the mess hall, finding it cold and empty. Because I had nothing else to do, I walked into the kitchen and started to prepare breakfast. Of course, I had to summon the stuff for bacon, sausage, pancakes, and eggs. I also summoned stuff for coffee and tea. 30 minutes later i'm putting the food on the table when people start to fill in. 

I sat down and got myself a plate. I took two pancakes and 3 pieces of bacon. I then proceeded to quietly eat my food. "Woah! Who made this? Hey, what's that flat thingy? It kinda looks like Krista's chest! OW!" Stupid horse face said. (All the previous members are dead this is after the Annie incident!!!) This process was repeated as everyone started to devower the food. Wanna hear Levi's reaction? "Who made this? There better not be a mess in the kitchen." He said as he sat down and started to eat. 

"I did short stack. I also cleaned up after myself. So don't threaten me with your sword again." I say bluntly. Levi looks sheepish and guilty and he has stopped eating. "Eat before it gets cold." I mutter before getting up and washing my plate. When I come back, I see the most ADORABLE little smile on Levi's face!! 'Cute' I thought. I immediately killed that thought. 'No Lucy! Get ahold of yourself! Not again! You will NOT fall in love again..... it hurts too much when they don't love you back...' I thought sadly. My expression must've been pretty sad because Levi stood up with his empty plate and patted me on the head. 

'I don't deserve someone like him anyways.' I thought.


Now it's time for training. They hook me up to the 3DMG hanging thingy. I'm a natural at it! Soon enough, they have me swinging through the trees, cutting down the fake titans. I 'kill' even more than Levi in twenty minutes. By the end of the day, i'm completely worn out. Regardless of that, I head to the kitchen after showering and start to cook dinner.

An hour later, dinner is done. So I carry the big pot that cooked in, into the mess hall and put on the table. Then, I go back to the kitchen to grab the bread that I had baked, and some bowls. Minutes later three people come in. It's Eren, Mikasa and Armin. Their eyes light up at the sight of the meal I prepared and they run to the table and serve themselfs. "Thank you Lucy!" The three say. While they start to eat, Sasha, Levi and Jean come in. Their eyes widen and Sasha runs over to me. "Goddess! You are a gift from the heavens my dear sweet Lucy!" I laugh and tell her to go eat. Since I wasn't hungry, I slipped out of the mess hall unnoticed while they were eating.

That becomes my daily routine every single day.

Wake up. Shower. Make breakfast. Clean. Train. Shower. Make dinner. Sleep.

I don't eat very often any more. I only have two or three meals a week. I don't sleep much either. Most nights I get at most 3 hours of sleep. During my 'free time' I mostly clean, read, or train. I've been on five expeditions so far. They've all been gory but that's okay. I usally make cakes for my squad after expeditions. In fact, that's what i'm doing right now.

As i'm carrying the cake to the mess hall, I start to feel light headed and dizzy. I don't know what happened, but I suddenly collasped. The last thing I remember thinking before I passed out was, 'ohno... the CAKE!'

K I have to go. I thought I would have more time today, this is shorter than usall. I'll try to update tomorrow. Bye peeps!

691 words!

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