-Chapter 9: A Troublemakers Troubles-

Start from the beginning

"You're not bothering me if that's what you're thinking," he said, still reading whatever was in that notebook. "That was a legit question."

I shook my head again, avoiding eye contact.

He shrugged and turned another page.

I put my head down just as the bell  rang, signaling the start of class.


"Cassandra!" I heard the teacher yell.

I looked up towards her.

"Sleeping is NOT permitted in my classroom! See me after school for detention," the teacher ordered.

What happened to the bubbly teacher that greeted me? And what?! I wasn't even sleeping! The class couldn't have been in session for more than five minutes.

"That's bull," I heard a voice say.

"What was that, Slater?" the teacher asked.

"How come she gets detention for sleeping when so many others get away with nothing?" he asked.

"Don't get smart with me, young man!" the teacher snapped.

Zeke shrugged.

Afterward, the teacher went back to teaching us about whatever she taught.

I saw Zeke shrug before looking over at Kristina.

"Red, don't you dare," I heard her whisper-yell.

Then Zeke pushed everything off his desk and onto the floor without warning.

"That's it!" the teacher yelled. "Mr. Slater, see me after school for detention."

"Gladly," he said coldly. He looked back at me with a look I couldn't figure out.

"Way to be a hero, Red," I heard Kris mutter.

"I'm anything but a hero," Zeke scoffed.

"Y-you didn't have to do that," I said in a whisper.

He turned in his seat to look at me. I felt myself flinch.

"This teacher is notorious for having favorites," Zeke said.

"I-I thought you were new this year," I remarked.

"Yeah, but Kris isn't," he shrugged.

"Is there something you want to tell the class, Mr. Slater?" the teacher snapped.

"Nope," he said sarcastically.

"Then be quiet," the teacher barked.

And that's literally what Zeke did. He said and did nothing all period, up until the bell rang, to the teacher's dismay.



"Well, that's one way to start a new school year," Jess said. "How do you get detention in the first week?"

Zeke shrugged. He seemed agitated.

He got so quiet after the teacher told him off.

Jess laughed. "Did his 'famous' scowl make an appearance?"

Without warning, Zeke threw his tray onto the ground and walked away, his hands balled into a fist.

"Well, shit, what'd I do?" she said, caught off guard.

I stood up to go after him. "Nothing. I'm going to throw my trash out. I'll be right back."

Jess got up as well.

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