Chapter 8 : Trickster and Joker

Start from the beginning

  Jean stepped on the reverse pedal and sped towards the stairs when the door swung open, almost crashing on her best friend who was with a criminal behind her.

  "Oh... This machine again." Loki thought to himself.

  Lia closed the door and opened the car door, shoving in Loki as well as herself. As soon as the door closed, Jean stepped on the gas and drove away to the next location.

  "Raiden! We're coming to you. Get prepared," Lia alerted, eyeing on Loki.

  The car went swerving side to side. It was as if Jean was not licensed when she is. "Jesus Jean! Be careful! I don't want to die!"

  Lia glanced over at Loki and he was horrified by her driving skills. For one, he does not have his magical powers and second, he does not want to die in this way and even if he survived, he would have rather die. Lia snickered at the sight of him gulping. She found it funny how he was scared of this ride when he rode on a chitauri in the sky.

  He caught Lia looking and he immediately sat up. He gave her glare before reaching up, to grab on the roof handle. She sped to Raiden's location and surprisingly, they made it there with no injuries.

  "I didn't know a god could get scared by a human driving," Lia teased.

  All Loki could do was to glare at her. He would have said something but Lia had already went out the car. The door next to him opened and he was pulled out by the same girl that brought him in.

  "Feisty, aren't you?" he smirked at the way she roughly pulled him out.

  "Let's talk later, Loki. We need to finish up this plan successfully."

  She knew she was going to face a lot of these comments that will come from him. If he already made comments during their daily appointments, she will not be surprised at how bad it will go once he's out from the glass room.

  She turns to Loki and looked at him from top to bottom. "Ok. I'm gonna need to take something from you but what can I take?"

  He furrowed his eyebrows as he was confused by Lia's question. "What?"

  "I need to leave evidence that you're dead. Even if you're not, can be suspected that you escaped on your own," she explained. "Let me rip of a part of your sleeve."

  "No. This is my clothes."

  "No shit sherlock." Lia said. Of course Loki did not understand that reference. Lia only realised after second of him showing his confused face. Like Lia was talking in an another language. "Just let me tear off a part of it."

  Both of them started fighting and arguing. Jean and Raiden was getting worried. Worrying about the whole mission and either Lia or Loki dying while arguing. Lia grunts and pulled him by the collar. She whirled him around and pushed him against the guardrail. His back against the air with the smell of the sea getting stronger. Lia holding onto his collar, pushing him back further as Loki resisted to get pushed back.

  "Lia!" Raiden and Jean shouted.

  Typical Loki, instead of giving people the look of fear, he had his grin planted of his face.

  "Not bad for a weak midgardian."

  She scowled and ripped off one of his outer shoulder pad. She threw it behind her and pulled Loki back up. Rolling her eyes, she shoved him into the car with Raiden. She slammed the door and turn to Jean.

  "How are we supposed to get the car in? It'd be impossible to push."

  Lia kept silent, thinking of an idea. In a matter of seconds, she snapped her fingers as an idea snapped in her head.

A Trickster's Euphoria | Loki FFWhere stories live. Discover now