The Fate of the Warrior

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"I wasn't even there for that," Steve said. "They raided the food supply right after my memories were erased. I wasn't a part of the Resistance at the time, either."

"So it was just Kirai?" Kat asked.

Steve nodded. "Can't Jean just pardon you guys on this?"

"She tried, but the citizens got angry at her for 'protecting our crimes' or whatever," Kat replied. "We could really use your help on this."

Steve shook his head. "I'm sorry, Kat. There's not really anything I can do."

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Both Steve and Kat looked at it.

"What, did you bring backup?" Steve asked as he walked over to the door.

Kat shook her head slowly, but he didn't see. He opened the door. Kat winced, expecting the worst.

But it wasn't anyone trying to kill Steve. In fact, it was...

"Me?" Kat asked.

A girl in a very similar ninja costume and almost the exact same facial and body features was in the doorway. She focused on Steve.

"Sup?" she asked. "Where's Salem? I wanna pet him."

"Uh...what?" Steve asked.

"Fine, whatever, I won't pet him," the Kat in the doorway said. "We just have to ask you a few questions before we go on our quest. Notch refuses to answer them for some dumb reason."

"Wh...Notch...Kat...?" Steve began looking back and forth between Kat and other Kat. Kat felt the same way. Her eyes were wide and her jaw was hanging open.

"What's wrong with you?" other Kat asked Steve. "You look like you've seen Gordon naked."

"Hey!" Kat heard a male voice call from outside.

Other Kat in the doorway suddenly looked past Steve and saw Kat. She made the exact same expression Kat was making: big eyes and a dropped jaw.

Kat stepped forward so she was right in front of other Kat. The two Kats stared at each other.

Other Kat looked exactly like her. The only difference was that other Kat's hair covered one of her eyes, so Kat could only see one purple eye. Real Kat's eyes were kaleidoscopic, whatever that means. They wore the same ninja outfit because the author doesn't feel like finding other Kat's latest outfit and comparing it with Kat's.

Kat decided to try something. She raised her right arm. Other Kat did the exact same thing at the exact same time. Kat dropped her arm quickly, and so did other Kat. Kat then tilted her head left. Other Kat did the same.

"Okay, that only happens in cartoons, so this must be a dream," Kat said.

"I'm with ya, sister," other Kat replied. "This is freaky."

Kat looked past the other Kat to see three other people on Steve's porch, a guy and two girls.

The guy was tall and pale, and had white spiky blond hair. His eyes were a peculiar green, and he wore a long sleeved red shirt and white jeans.

One of the girls was tan, had brown hair pulled back in a ponytail, and had deep brown eyes behind glasses. She wore a black shirt with neon green zebra print and jeans with splatters on them.

The other girl had blond hair in a single French braid with a backwards gray cap atop it. She had glowing blue eyes and freckles, and wore a cyan shirt, a black leather jacket, and black jeggings.

All three of them looked equally dumbfounded.

"So, what the heck are you and what are you doing in Steve's house?" other Kat asked Kat.

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