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The following is a true story that happened to me. It does not take place in any Minecraft universe. I just thought I'd share it with all of you.

You may have seen stories about this school on the news recently.


March 20th, 2018

My Point of View

A few weeks ago was the school shooting in Florida that left 17 students dead. A couple days after, there was a shooting scare at my school that started as a rumor and spread like a wildfire, causing widespread panic throughout most of my school. I didn't believe it for a second, and the "threat" was proven to be fake.

My girlfriend at the time was scared because of this threat, but I was doubtful. "That's never going to happen here," I told her. "I don't know," she replied, "The kids in Florida probably thought the same." I was still sure it would never happen.

Last week, students in my school walked out to protest gun violence in schools. I couldn't participate because I would be on a bus to the technology center during the agreed time, but I didn't want to anyway. "It's not gonna do anything" I said to myself. My dad told me not to participate.

Yesterday I was bent on getting my ex back when I walked into school. I told myself I would follow her around in the hallways if I had to. But I didn't see her, and went to my first period class upstairs, defeated.

I heard yelling from the lobby at 7:59, right before the bell rang. It sounded like there was another fight going on. Typical Great Mills. My teacher walked into class saying people had run outside for some reason and were looking around like they were lost. A girl in my class said it was because they thought someone had a gun. "That's stupid," I thought to myself.

The bell rang, and my principal came on the intercom yelling at everyone to get to class. I noticed he sounded out of breath for some reason, but thought nothing of it.

We started reviewing trigonometric functions in math class since we had a test tomorrow. Before we got anywhere, Dr. Heibel came on the intercom again, telling us we were on lockdown and there was no immediate danger. My teacher turned off the lights, and I wondered why we needed a lockdown. Was the fight really that extreme?

When I started hearing sirens and seeing police officers run through the halls, it dawned on me.

I was in the middle of a school shooting.

I never heard any gunshots, never saw any violence. My class was far from the danger, so we were the last to be evacuated from the school.

We showed up to the technology center to be reunified with our parents along with the other 1600 students. I waited four hours for my name to be called. When I finally was, my mom was on the verge of tears, despite me texting her that I was completely safe.

When I got home yesterday my little brother said: "Wow. You can call yourself a school shooting survivor." I realized he was right.

But I don't want to call myself that.

Why can't I just call myself a high school student?


If you're wondering, two students were injured, and the shooter was killed by our school's Resource Officer. One of the injured students is in stable condition, the other is in critical condition as far as I know.

I didn't know the shooter, but I did see him every day. I don't know the student in stable condition, but I am friends with the girl that is in critical condition.

I don't have school the rest of this week. Spring break is next week. I have a long break ahead of me. Perhaps I'll update my actual books.

Thanks for letting me share this with you all.

671 words.

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