Chapter 44

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Soundtrack: The Doobie Brothers - Listen to the Music

Dedication: (@harryscrazyscarves) i can't believe you read all of tangerine in two nights, you're fucking awesome!! i love that you ask questions about scarlet's motifs and have given constructive feedback to the story overall :) as you're a harry girl, it makes me really satisfied that you like the way i'm portraying his character quite similar to how he actually is :) thanks a million, you're the best love x


"What do you mean, you don't know that song?" Liam gapes.

"I've just never heard it," I chuckle lightly, looking around at the lads in the living room of the Miami beach house. "I dunno."

"Come on, Scar," Zayn draws his voice out. "An oldies fan like you hasn't heard of The Doobie Brothers?"

Harry laughs and tilts his head at me, siding with both Liam and Zayn, "Even I'm surprised, babe."


I'm gonna fucking punch myself in the face.

"Play it, I wanna hear it," I nod over to Liam, holding his phone in his hands.

"Play it, Liam!" Harry grabs Liam's closest shoulder and begins shaking him spiritedly.

"I got it!" Liam chuckles, shoving Harry off as a tune begins to play from his phone. "Listen."

An electric guitar strums a light, catchy riff. Then the drums kick in. And I think that's a bass I hear. Then the vocals start and I'm entirely drawn in. The tune transitions to chords I wouldn't expect and the vocalist experiments with rhythms that catch me so off guard and wow, I really can't stop fucking listening to this song.

But it's when the chorus kicks in that I almost lose it.

Liam, Zayn and Harry all sing along as the chorus plays from Liam's phone. There are about three harmonies being sung at once and the boys' voices are blending in perfectly and it's just bloody fantastic.

I don't know if I've fallen in love with the song or with the three boys who are singing it to me.

"Whoa, whoaaaaa, listen to the music," Harry sings along with the lads. He points his finger in the air to match the beat of the drums.

"Just a bit wasted, yeah?" Zayn smirks at Harry, stretching his arms over the back of the couch. "How's it, H?"

"Wasted?!" Harry repeats in an incredulous tone. "Pffffff. Probably."

Liam, Zayn and I all burst out in laughter. My vision spins at the sudden rush of adrenaline sent straight to my head but it's a pleasant feeling at that. I'm fairly drunk and very high and yeah, Harry looks good no matter how smashed he is. And Zayn. And Liam.

I have no idea where that came from.

"Nearly f'got!" Harry slurs cheerily, looking straight at me amid his two band mates. "I 'ave t' take a wee!"

"Remember to lift the seat, Harold!" I shout after him as he goes scurrying away to the toilet.

The lads and I share a laugh, then Liam turns to me.

"You like him, don't you?" he watches me from his settee.

I laugh, sipping the beer from my bottle, "It's Harry."

"Yeah, but you must have a little crush on him," Liam persists cheekily.

"It's Harry!" I repeat, feeling myself blush all over.

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