Chapter 20~ God rest his soul?

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"Come here Harry" I call the young boy, he walks to me and I place him in my lap.
"These are the Cullens, that's Rosalie and Emmett, Alice and Seth, Carlisle and Esme," I say this as I point each of them out "And this is Jasper," I say pointing to him with a smile I turn him to face me and take an unneeded deep breath. "Auggie died sweetie, that's why sissy's so sad." his bottom lip trembles "But-but-but," I just say Auggie." he breaks into tears on my shoulder. Esme stands and holds her arms out for him 

"I'll put him to sleep" I nod handing him to her and Carlisle exit the room asking directions to his room. Jasper stands and holds out his hand for me. I take it and we walk to my room. He opens the four and I walk into the bathroom. I strip myself of clothes and step into the shower turning on the water from the rain falling head of the shower. I stand under the shower my head tilted to the shower head. I hear the bathroom door open and Jasper strips and get in the shower. He pulls me to his chest. 

"Let it out, my love." and with that, I break. The hard look I've been sporting most of the day falls and I'm suddenly not a queen, not the creator of all vampires, not the most powerful woman in the world but an aunt, who has raised her brother's descendants, and loved and cared for his children as if they were my own.

 I love them and would die for them, and will do anything to save them. I realize at that moment that I'm no longer alone. That I have Jasper and Rosalie. I have people, I realize I'm in the arms of a man I love and loves me back. That I no longer have to be 100% strong in front of everyone because with him I'm safe. He reaches behind me and grabs the shampoo from the shelf. 

He squeezes some into his hand and works his hands into my scalp. After conditioning and washing my body I repeat the process on him and we step out. In a comfortable silence, we dry off and get dressed in pajamas. I put my hair into a high pony and just as my hands fall to my sides a soft knock on the door brings my attention. "Come in" Jasper calls to the person on the other side the door opens to reveal Carlisle. 

"Esme got Harry to sleep, she, however, doesn't want to leave so she's sitting watching him sleep from the foot of the bed. I hope that's okay?" he looks to me and I nod "Tell her I said thank you" with a nod he leaves the room Jasper opens his arms and I walk to him and his arms enclose around me. We fall to the bed in each other's arms looking deeply into each other's eyes.

After a few hours later a scream echoes through the halls of the castle buried in the deeps of the English countryside, a scream of the English Queen. 

Jasper and I jump out of bed at the sound and we flash to the halls where we meet everyone, including Esme cradling Harry in her arms. another scream calls through the castle and a growl rips through my throat and we flash to the throne room that is crawling with servants, The Queen, a dead King, an army, a bitch and a copy of my love. 

A hiss leaves me and I look into the newborn eyes of my nephew a whimper leaves my throat. "Servants leave at once", that nod and exit the room, and the shocked Queen entered my arms after a quick shake. "Tell your newborns to leave, to go hunt." "Where?"

 "Romania," she rolls her eyes and scoffs, "I'm serious" "You heard her go." the army leaves and addressing my Young king "You go too," he turns and is almost out of the room before I address him again 

"And Auggie, if any of them hurt you tell me, ill finally have an excuse to kill her." He leaves and Maria scoffs and rolls her eyes. "The sitting room," I ask in a don't question me type tone and we all adjourn to the sitting room

Jane and I sit on the love seat Jasper perched on the edge, Maria and CLone Jasper sitting directly across from us with Alice, Rose, Seth and Carlisle on the couch, Emmett standing behind the 2 in the chairs and lacking Esme who brought Harry back...

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Jane and I sit on the love seat Jasper perched on the edge, Maria and CLone Jasper sitting directly across from us with Alice, Rose, Seth and Carlisle on the couch, Emmett standing behind the 2 in the chairs and lacking Esme who brought Harry back to bed. 

 "Alex bef-" she starts "Alexandra" I interrupt. she nods looking a little disappointed "Alexandra before you start screaming I never meant for Auggie to get turn it was an accident. my newborns saw him and you know how uncontrolled they are." I nod 

"Yes I do know how uncontrolled they are, I was your general for years," I saw the man next to her pop up. "you're the general?" he asked stunned I nod and he straightens up, halfway stands and emmet growls from behind him and he slowly sits down with his hand in the air. 

"Alex I know better than to mess with your family." I look at her disappointed I then stand and walk to her "What happened to the sweet young daughter of a dead peasant Spanish man, that I took pity on and raised as my own and then she begged me to turn her, so she never would have to leave me?" she looks down ashamed

"Maria, you started wars and felt nothing when you did it, you turned hundreds and then killed them. Do you even feel sorry about that, do you?" with a sigh I look her in the eyes "What did I create?" she stands and places her hand on my shoulder, I grab it and throw it off and walk out of the room and upstairs. I cheeked on Harry who was still with Esme. I enter my room and sit on the bed with my back facing the wall and the door opens I turn my head and see Jasper standing by the door, with a smirk on his face.

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