Chapter Twenty

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I sat clutching a glass of water nervously in my hands.  Jax had brought me to the Teller-Morrow house. It wasn’t a mansion or anything, but it was grand enough for a biker gang leader and his wife. Gemma, Clay and Jax were standing in the kitchen. They had been talking for several minutes of my fate. I was a big girl. I knew what I had done and the price I’d had to pay.

“You don’t have to talk about me like I’m not here,” I said.

They stopped talking at once. Clay and Jax went out the back and I was left alone with Gemma.

“Jax says that you were bullied into it, that you never wanted to be a rat in the first place.”

“That’s what I said,” still looking down at my glass.

“It still doesn’t change the fact that you betrayed us, right?”

“I know.”

“I don’t understand you, Quinn,” she said taking a seat next to me, “You’re a smart girl. You knew how this was going to end. You could have gotten yourself out of it.”

“I know,” I said yet again.

She leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms. “I had high hopes for you.” She sounded like a disappointed mother.

“Like marrying your son and bearing you grand children?” I asked looking at her for the first time.


“You know Jax will never get over Tara, right? He’ll probably settle down and have a dozen children, but he will never be over her. He loved her and he always will.”

Gemma’s face had murder written all over it. “You know nothing.”

“I know more than you think. You’re the kind of person that runs things in the background. You try to get people who you want them to be and if they don’t comply you get rid of them.”

She didn’t say anything. I could tell her blood was boiling.

“You need to realise that Jax is a grown man and he has already met his soulmate. Nothing you can say or do will make him stop thinking about her. If she feels the same way, she’ll come back to him. Right now, we might only be kids, but some day they’re both going to realise what they want.”

“And I’ll be right here to stop that from happening,” she said stubbornly.

“Gemma, you need to let it go. You can’t control everything.”

“She always thought she was better than him, better than this life. It’s good that she left. Jax needed someone that knows this world.”

“Someone like me?”

“I thought so for a moment, but you’re nothing but a rat.”

It was no use trying to get through to her. Gemma was as stubborn as they came and nothing I could say would ever convince her otherwise. I stayed silent.

“We’ve been thinking about what we’re going to do with you. Clay blames me for bringing you in. Jax is convinced we shouldn’t do you any harm. Believe it or not he actually likes you.”

“Am I going to die today?” I asked looking her dead in the eye.

“Not today, no, but you’re definitely not going to like the rest of your life.”

“Because it was so fucking fabulous to begin with,” I muttered under my breath. Gemma left the house to go find the guys so I could hear what punishment I would face.

Gemma was diabolical in a different way. I knew whatever she came up with would not be pleasant and I’d probably want to end up killing myself. That’s it for you, the story of my life; from one shitty chapter to the next.

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