Chapter Thirteen

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I picked up the black boots I was wearing the night before and slipped them on. The rest of me was already dressed. I crept into the bathroom to splash cold water on my face and detangle most of my hair with my fingers. When I left the room Jax was still fast asleep.

In the clubhouse there wasn’t such a thing as ‘the walk of shame’. Unless, of course, you were banging some old lady’s man and then you would probably run like hell instead of walk. I wonder if the girl Clay had disappeared with the previous night made the run of shame.

I found Gemma and Clay sipping on coffee and chatting calmly.

“Good morning, sunshine,” Gemma said with a smirk on her face.

“Morning,” I said, “You’re back.”

“Yeah, I drove in early this morning. I was missing my husband too much.” She leaned in and kissed Clay on the cheek.

“The feeling was mutual,” he said and squeezed her hand. Fat chance, I thought.

“Everything okay back home now?” I asked while I poured my own cup of coffee. I drank it black and bitter. I felt like I needed to be more awake than I barely was.

“It’s as okay as it can be for now.”

I nodded. I knew better than to pry.

“Listen, Quinn, you don’t need to stay and clean up. I’ll get the other girls to handle it. Clay has told me that you’ve been keeping this place together for the last few days,” she said and looked at Clay.

“I did as much as I could,” I said and tried to muster up a smile.

“Oh, don’t be so modest,” Clay said and stood up, “I’ll see you at home.” He said the last part to Gemma and kissed her hard before he disappeared out the door.

Once he left Gemma spoke to me again. “I heard you kept Jax company last night.”

I choked on my coffee. Gemma laughed.

“It’s nothing to be ashamed of,” she said handing me a paper towel to clean up the coffee I had spilled over my hands. “He’s young and good looking, you’re young and good looking. I actually thought it would happen sooner than it did.”

“I guess so,” I said wiping away the last of the coffee.

“Go home and shower and maybe take a nap. I know you must not have gotten a lot of sleep last night. Be back here tonight if you can. I’m planning on spoiling my boys and I might need a little help.”

“Sure,” I said.


I unlocked my door and instinctively put my bag down on the table. Once I turned around I, yet again, got the pleasure of being scared half to death by Agent Barone.

“Back so soon?” he asked in a taunting voice.

“I was out doing what you asked me to do,” I said defensively. The man had a way of making me feel like I was nothing more than a two dollar whore.

“You are supposed to get me information on what is happening inside SAMCRO, but all I see is you fucking around with anything that is used to straddling a bike.”

“It’s part of the deal isn’t it?” I asked sarcastically.

“It is, but you don’t need to look like you’re enjoying blowing biker dick.”

“I’m assuming you’re here for an update?” I asked, getting to the point of his visit.

“I hope you have something for me.”

“As a matter of fact I do. I would have told you sooner if you had come to see.”

“I have other cases too,” he said and hurried me along.

He had other cases? I thought SAMCRO and this undercover sting would be his top priority
“Two weeks ago they sent me in to play the part of a hooker-”

“Well, that must not have been too hard,” he interrupted.

I gave him a nasty glare, but continued. “I was supposed to get the weapons off a Mayan. It was retaliation. It ended in a shootout. None of the Sons got hurt, but the Mayan in the motel room was shot dead. I don’t know if they hit any of the other two that were outside.”

“I know of this. I didn’t know about the Son being killed by Mayans, though.”

“That’s what they said. It was an ambush at a gun drop.”

He rubbed his chin attentively. “Good,” he muttered.

He stood up from where he was sitting on the bed. “Well, you have proven to be at least only half worthless as an informant. Looks like you won’t be going back to prison today. Keep digging deeper. They trust you now. Soon enough I’ll have enough evidence to bring down the entire rotten empire.”

He left after that without saying when he’d be back or what information he still needed.

My instincts suddenly started telling me that something was way off with this guy. I didn’t have a lot of knowledge about the law enforcement world, but I do know you’re not supposed to treat your informants like utter shit. What also bothered me was his long absence. If he had known about the death he would have known that it was gang related. He would have been all over me before the retaliation. Something was not right.

I scrambled to the bedside table. I pulled out an old book I had stuffed in there. I pulled the paper cover from the hardbound book and retrieved the card I had glued inside. I picked up the motel phone and started dialling.

“Oakland Police Department, Officer Rhodes speaking.”

“Rhodes, it’s Quinn. I need to talk to you.”

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