Chapter Ten

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“How are things here?” I asked as I put my purse down on one of the nearby couches in the clubhouse.

“Not great,” Liv said picking up a box and moving it behind the bar, “The guys are all rattled up. Some are angry, some are sad. One thing is for sure though, a storm is coming.” She went to unpacking the contents of the box.

“Retaliation?” I asked.

“You bet your ass retaliation is coming. You can’t just kill off a Son without the members seeking vengeance for their death. I heard Piney and Clay talking last night... they want to hit up the Mayans as soon as possible and when they least expect it.”

“Great,” I said under my breath as I took two glasses from the box and stocked them up on a shelf.

Retaliation was coming. Of course it was. These men never let anything slide. Traitors get killed, rats get killed and of course, if you kill a Son, you get killed.

Suddenly everything felt all too real and for the first time in a while I was scared again. I was scared that they’d discover my secret and I was even more scared that the ATF agents wouldn’t be able to protect me as they promised.

This wasn’t a game. This was a life or death situation and my life hung in the balance.


“Hello, Quinn,” a voice came from out of the dark. I turned on the light to my room to find Agent Barone sitting at the small table near the window.

“Back so soon?” I asked and threw my purse on the bed.

“I told you I would be back. I think I also made myself perfectly clear on what would happen if you had nothing to give me again.”

“That message was received loud and clear.” I went to sit in front of him. “What do you want to know?”

“David Jones died last night. What do you know about that?”

“I know they called him ‘The Bull’. He was a Nomad. He was only here for a while because they called in guns to help with the last drop off. They were striking a new deal and things went south. That’s as much as I know.”

“The shooting happened hours before he died. How did he stay alive for so long?”

“They called in a doctor. He owns his a practice somewhere on town. Apparently it’s not really a secret that he helps them. How come you don’t know that?”

He glared at me. “I needed to know if you weren’t feeding me bullshit. I also know that what you’re telling me is basic stuff that we could have figured out from the outside!”

He slammed his fist hard on the table and stood up. I gasped.

“You need to delve deeper. Fuck some more of them, wiggle your way into their lives, attach yourself to one of them, make them confide in you.”

“It’s not that easy,” I said with a shaky voice, “Crow eaters don’t get told all that much. All we know is from what we overhear or get told by old ladies and sometimes the members if they’re drunk enough.”

“I don’t care what you have to do. I need more!”

He was scaring me now. “I’ll try harder.”

“Oh, I know you will, because if you don’t... Well, you’re a rat now, Quinn. You’ve told me things. There’s no going back now. You need me to make sure you get out of this alive.”

Impact [Jax Teller//Sons Of Anarchy]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon