Chapter 32: The Word Is Out

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One of the first to be seen by a judge, Brian is lucky. Because of their age, he and another boy are let off on a probationary basis, with only community service to worry about.

I let Pia go and see him first on her own, so that they can reconnect. Sorry. Maybe that wasn't the best word. Reacquaint themselves. She's still there at his house when he gives me a call. "Hey."


"Pia told me everything."

"What's everything?"

"What you did. What you're trying to do. Thanks."

"I don't need thanks. But you're welcome, anyway." I hear a light, sweet laugh, no doubt Pia's. "So are you OK?"


"How are your parents taking it?"

"Well, they're, um, not really talking to me."


"I think they're shocked. My brothers are impressed, though. Kevin was all, like, 'I didn't know you had it in you'."

"I'm sure it'll get better."

"I don't know. I hope so. I just have to wait and see."

"Alright. So I guess I'll see you guys at school tomorrow?"

"Yeah. Sure."

And we hang up. It's not the last about my cousin for the day, though. That night, my father calls me into the living room to tell me what he thinks I don't already know. "Brian was one of them, Nora. One of the Watchers."

Maggie, who's sitting on a stool nearby, looks worriedly between us.

"Brian," I say the name dully, feigning disbelief.

"Yup. He was one of them all along. I'm sorry, Nora."

I don't say anything.

"He's on probation now, but you're going to see him at school. I'm guessing you're not going to be talking to him much from now on."

"I don't know. You'd be surprised at how easy it is to forget things."

He stops, his scotch glass freezing halfway to his lips. He stares at me for a second, shaking his head slightly. "He's part of a gang."

"I know."

"Have you forgotten about how they kidnapped you?"


"Right. See that you don't. Now, I know you and your cousin have been good friends for a long time, but clearly, he's changed. He's let his teenage drive for acceptance and kicks turn him into something dangerous. You need to stay away from him."


"Promise me."

"Promise." You are not Wes. You cannot see through my lies.

He drinks his scotch, pompously smacking his lips. "Well, I told my brother to keep an eye on him, but if anything happens, let me know. I'll take care of everything, don't worry. Those stupid Watchers don't scare me."

"Sure, Dad. Thanks. Can I go now?"


I wait to get to my room before I burst out laughing.

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