Chapter 16: What's In A Number?

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"OK, Miss Sullivan, all done."

"Really? You're sure?"

"Yup. The new number should be activated by tomorrow. If you have any problems, just come back and let us know."



"Thanks. Thanks a lot."

"No problem. Have a great day."

"Don't they charge you for that?" my father asks me. It's a few days later, after I've informed everyone I know of my new cell phone number.

"Not much."

"Even so, it was a waste of money."

"It was my allowance, so it shouldn't bother you, Dad."

"Your money comes from me, so it's my money."

I furrow my brows at him. That's so idiotic, like someone giving you a gift only to say it's not really yours.

"Why did you do it, anyway?"

"Uh … well, numerology."


"I was reading this numerology thing on the Internet, and I got really into it. So I felt like, you know, going along with it for my cell number."


"Uh huh."

"That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard! Since when are you a feng shui freak?"

"Actually, it's not feng shui. Feng shui is more – "

"Oh, forget it. I'm not even going to bother trying to understand." He crosses the floor, disappearing into his bedroom and leaving me by myself. My peace doesn't last long, though. A minute later, the object of our previous conversation, my cell, starts ringing. It's Wes. What does he want? "Yeah?"

"Nor. You at home?"


"Not going to sleep?"

"In a minute."


"So what's up?"

"Not much. I'm driving right now, on my way home."

"Actually, I meant, why did you call me?"

"Oh," he goes. My question, I realize, came off a little surly, and I regret it a little. "Nothing. I was just wondering why you changed your number."

"No reason."

"No reason?"


"Are you hiding something, Nor?"


"You are."

Damn you, Wes, you walking lie detector.

"Look, can I talk to you some other time? I need to go."


"Because you're going to go through a tunnel."

"No, I'm – "

Oops. Hung up.

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