Chapter 21: A Chat

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Skunky1010: Hi. Do you know who this is?

PiaLazziri: Nora?

Skunky1010: Yeah. Hi.

PiaLazziri: Omg, you're, like, never online.

Skunky1010: Oh, yeah, well, that's not actually true. I just never think about coming on here.

PiaLazziri: Oh.

Skunky1010: Plus I only have a few people I'd be willing to talk to. The rest are just ... honestly, I don't even know who they are.

PiaLazziri: Haha.

Skunky1010: Band people, probably.

PiaLazziri: So what made you come on today?

Skunky1010: No reason. I'm trying to think of things to do. What are you doing? Are you chatting with Brain?

PiaLazziri: No. I mean, I was, but he just had to go. I'm looking up stuff now.

Skunky1010: Me too.

PiaLazziri: I'm reading the news actually.

Skunky1010: Really? Did you see that story about the banana mascot who jumped in front of a train?

PiaLazziri: Um ... no?

Skunky1010: That was pretty sad.

PiaLazziri: Right. You mean he became a banana split?

Skunky1010: Oh, geez! You don't have to be so mean, Pia!

PiaLazziri: I'm sorry. I just ... well, it's kind of hard to take a banana-man seriously.

Skunky1010: Banana mascot, and for your information, he was engaged. It's really sad.

PiaLazziri: OK, moving on. Actually, I was looking for stuff on the Watchers. You, uh, know anything about that?

Skunky1010: No. The last I know, the police caught some of them, right?

PiaLazziri: That was a couple of months ago.

Skunky1010: Yeah, I know.

PiaLazziri: Nora?

Skunky1010: Yeah?

PiaLazziri: Can I ask you a question?

Skunky1010: Yeah, sure.

PiaLazziri: What do you think of the Watchers, seriously?

Skunky1010: I don't know. Why?

PiaLazziri: Do you really think they're that bad? Do you think the police are right with what they say about them?

Skunky1010: I don't know. Have you been talking to Elena lately?

PiaLazziri: No. I just ... you know.

Skunky1010: What?

PiaLazziri: Nothing. I've just been thinking is all.

Skunky1010: Well, the way I see it, at least they're trying to do something, right?

PiaLazziri: Right. Hey, I have to go, Nora. Ciao, OK?

Skunky1010: Uh ... OK.

PiaLazziri: (terminated)

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