I nodded, agreeing that I owed her that. Clearing my throat, I wiped my palms across my jeans.

"He got up with the gun, he turned to me and asked me to do him a favour," I spoke as Leah took a breath. "He asked me before putting the gun to his head. He uh.. He pulled the trigger as I yelled at him to stop."

Her gasp broke my heart, but she needed to hear it all. She wanted to hear it all....

"But it just clicked. I.. I don't quiet know how or what happened but he just smiled before handing the gun over to me, before pulling all the bullets from his pocket. He gave me all of them, except one.. He said he is keeping it as a reminder. That he did the gun thing to make me realise how much I love you. That I do so much that I wouldn't want any harm to come to him because you care for him greatly."

"H-he's alive?" She stuttered. I nodded causing relief to wreck through her body. "Oh thank god."

I gave her a moment to process it all before I carried on.

"He asked me to take him somewhere.."

"Well where? Did you just leave him there? Is he okay?"

"He will be now. Yes."

She frowned "Now? I don't.. Where is he Zak?"

"He's in Henderson.. In a hospital."

She sat back "What? Well what kind? Is he hurt? Is it a medical hospital?"

"It's a psychiatric hospital."

Her face goes a shade of grey that makes my own face drain. The colour is frightening on her features and I don't know if she's going to flip out, explode or cry.

"It's a psychiatric hospital which help with PTSD. There is a 24 hour walk in. I took him and I stayed with him."

She shook her head "No. No... No he's not crazy. He's not. He just needs a little counselling. He doesn't need to be locked up. He's okay, you seen him... Okay not at his best but he's okay. He is. He just needs a little help."

"Sweet pea." I whisper reaching for her hand but she pulls her hands out of my reach.

"No, he's okay. I know he's okay." She answers, in full denial.

"He is sick. He knows he is sick. It was his idea—"

"But you didn't have to listen to him!" She snapped before burying her face into her hands.

"Leah. He needs more than just a little bit of help. I was there when he saw the first doctor. Baby, he's not well, at all. He's not sleeping. He's not eating."

She frowns "He is sleeping on the bedroom floor, of course he's sleeping! He told me—"

"He was trying to protect you. Worried in case anyone broke in. He wanted to be able to launch his attack first before anyone harmed you. He's laying there all night on alert."

"But... But I saw him eat!"

"He's bulimic..."

She shook her head at me "Why are you lying? He's been fine. He's..." she trailed off as realisation hits her tenfold making me grab her hand instantly. "Oh god.."

"I'm sorry." I whisper.

"H-he said it was just the taste of tomato. He said he didn't like it anymore and it reminded him of blood.. He... He was lying? Was that an excuse to throw it all up?"

"I don't know." I admit. "But he is sick."

"H-Henderson. Henderson you said right?" She asks making me nod. "Well I have to go there. I have to make sure–"

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