chapter 14

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I ran back to the hotel room to collapse in my bed and cry. I just embarrassed myself in front of the guy I've liked for almost a year, and he just told me he didn't like me back.

I took out my phone, tears in my eyes, to call my boyfriend, James. He picked up almost immediately.

"Olivia? I haven't heard from you in like three days! I thought you were going to call be after the flight? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," I sniffled.

"Are you crying? What happened?"

I couldn't tell him that the reason I was so upset was because the guy I liked didn't like me back. I just stayed silent.

"Olivia? Are you going to say something?"

I shook my head but then realized he couldn't see me. Suddenly, Courtney stormed into the room. I quickly hung up on James because I thought it was Shayne walking in.

"Olivia!" She ran next to me and sat on my bed. "Shayne likes you!" She clapped her hands together. "This is so great! Now you guys can date! Secretly, of course, because Ian frowns upon dating coworkers -"

She stopped when she noticed I had been crying. 

"Liv? What's wrong?"

I was about to say "Nothing," again but then I looked at the concern in Courtney's eyes and realized that she was my best friend and I could tell her anything. Just like I used to.

I started sobbing even louder and threw myself into her arms.

"Liv, honey, it's okay. What happened?"

And I explained everything to her. About how Shayne said that he said those things just for the show, and how he said he liked someone else. And then I told her about how I liked him a lot and how I had a boyfriend and that the whole situation was just terrible. She stroked my hair and whispered, "It's okay Liv Liv,"

I crawled into my comforters and closed my eyes, dreading the moment that Shayne walked back into the room.

Why did I ever like him? Why did I ever think he liked me?


I held my head in my hands as I slowly walked back to the hotel room. The last thing I wanted to do was walk into there and face Olivia. I hated that I could see the hurt in her eyes, and feel her sadness and anger as she walked away from me.

What the hell did I just do?

I heard footsteps behind me as Keith and Noah ran to catch up with me.

"Shayne!" Noah put his hand on my shoulder to stop me from walking.

"Dude, you just told everyone you like her," Keith's eyes were wide. "Did you find her? Did you guys talk?"

"No," I said sharply, making Keith step back with his hands up like I was accusing him of something.

"Whoa, man. Sorry for asking, jeez," He huffed as Noah and he made eye contact and shrugged at each other.

"I'm sorry, okay? I just stupidly kind of screwed up everything right now," I told them about my conversation with Olivia.

"Wow dude," Noah said after I told them. We opened the door to the hotel lobby. "You screwed up really bad," He shook his head.

"Yeah, I get that part," I frowned. 

How could I have messed up my only opportunity to be with her?


I covered myself tightly with the blanket as Courtney tried to comfort me. Suddenly, she stopped.

"Hey, Liv?" She tugged at my blanket.

"Yeah?" I sat up.

"Who is James and why is he saying that he's coming to Hawaii?"

My eyes widened as I grabbed my phone from her hands. I had gotten about 20 texts from him asking why I had hung up so quickly and if I was okay. The last text read:

Okay, since you're not responding, I have no choice but to come meet you over there. I'm taking the next flight, I'm already at the airport. See you soon and hope you're okay.

Oh. my. god.

hey guys! honestly thank you so much for the comments! they make me so happy and make me keep writing! i hope you're enjoying so far!! sorry about this crappy chapter, it's kind of a filler. as i was writing it i was getting so stressed out haha. thanks for reading and love you guys! <3

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