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5th November 2019.

BuyBuyBaby, Los Angeles.

ddlovato : And just like that everything has changed

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ddlovato : And just like that everything has changed

Sliding her phone into her bag, Demi can't help but smile as she glances over at Wilmer who is sitting in the driver's seat with a small smile on his face.

'You okay?' He asks and she nods her head.

'Mmm... I actually feel a lot better now that it's out there and we can actually go shopping.' She admits causing him to smile. They'd told all of their families and close friends over the past week and finally Demi felt comfortable enough to announce the news on social media.

'Let's get shopping then.' He says. They both get out the car and make their way over to the large baby store as Demi rests her hand on her stomach causing Wilmer to smile as he links his fingers through her other hand.

'I know you've spent the last six weeks or something looking at stuff online so have you got an idea of what you're wanting?' He asks.

'Mmm. I have an idea of what I'm looking for but obviously I want your opinion on the stuff as well. One thing I did look at was the Halo twin bassinest.' Demi replies and he nods his head.

'Okay. Sounds good. What about the stroller?' He asks.

'The stroller I love actually comes from a British company; it's the Silver Cross wave.' She replies.

'Okay. We can have a look at that late then and just look at stuff in here that you like.' He says causing her to smile.

'I can't believe we're actually baby shopping! This is insane.' She replies shaking her head.

'I know. Just think, next appointment we can find out the genders if we want.' He says.

'I've been thinking and I think it would be really nice if we could take the kids to a scan? Just to involve them a bit more.' She replies.

'That's a lovely idea, Dems. We can speak to Dr Montgomery and see if she'd be okay with that.' He says as he grabs a basket.


'Have you thought any more about names?' Demi asks as they continue to walk around the store looking at different items; they've already order the large items they want and are now looking for smaller items.

'I liked the ones we discussed; I do think Paloma is my favourite for a girl though.' Wilmer replies and Demi nods her head.

'I do love Paloma but I also really like Mabel and Edie.' Demi admits causing Wilmer to smile.

'We've still got a while to decide... Once we find out the genders it'll be easier. Who are you planning on inviting to the reveal?' He asks causing her to tilt her head to the side.

'Reveal?' She asks.

'Mmm... The gender reveal. Are we going to have family and friends?' He asks.

'I don't want a gender reveal... I want it to just be me, you and the kids.' She replies.

'But Rachel always wanted a gender reveal.' He says.

'I'm not Rachel.' She replies pulling her hand out of his.

'I know you're not... Sorry, I just- I assumed everyone wanted a gender reveal. So what are you thoughts on a baby shower then?' He asks.

'I don't want one of those either.' She replies.

'Really? Rachel loved her baby showers.' He says causing her to sigh.

'Can we go home? I'm tired.' She replies.

'I didn't mean to upset you, nena. I just assumed those were things that every woman wanted.' He says as she runs her hand over her stomach.

'I know you didn't... I'm just tired, Wilmer.' She replies. Nodding his head he silently follows her out of the store.

Beverly Hills, California.


'What's going on with you? Please tell me the idea of a gender reveal didn't upset you that much? I wasn't saying you had to do it.' Wilmer says as he glances over at Demi who's curled up in the armchair with a blanket covering her body. 

'It's not that.' She mumbles.

'Then what is it because I really don't know?' He says.

'I feel like you're constantly comparing me to Rachel and that makes me so uncomfortable.' She admits causing him to shake his head.

'I am not. I never compare you to her.' He says causing her to sigh.

'Rachel always wanted gender reveal parties. Rachel loved her baby showers. Rachel wasn't this tired all the time. Rachel wasn't sick as much as this. Rachel didn't wear maternity clothes until twenty-six weeks. Rachel done pre-natal yoga from eleven weeks until the week before she gave birth to all the kids... I get it, Rachel was pretty fucking perfect and you loved her.' Demi replies, her voice shaky as tears fill her eyes.

'I did love Rachel but I love you as well, Demi. All I know about pregnancy is what I've learned from my experience with Rachel and I never once meant to compare the both of you.' He says and she shakes her head.

'Every time you bring up how she done yoga or how she went for long walks everyday and didn't have to go for a sleep in the middle of the day it makes me feel like a failure. I feel like I'm not good enough because even just the thought of going for a long walk makes me feel exhausted and if I don't have a sleep in the middle of the you can guarantee I'll be in bed before the kids.' She replies reaching up to wipe the tears from her cheeks as he moves to kneel in front of her.

'I had no idea I was making you feel like this.' He says resting his hand on her knee as she sighs.

'I didn't want to sound like a bitch... I know Rachel is going to be a part of our lives forever and I'm so okay with that; I wouldn't want to stop talking about her because she's their mom but I just- I don't want this to be about her.' She mumbles, her hand resting on her stomach as he nods his head.

'I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to make you feel like you weren't good enough... You are more than enough, nena.' He says.

'I'm probably a bit overly sensitive as well.' She admits.

'That's no excuse. I promise things are going to be different from now on; I promise things will be better but I need you to speak to me about these things, Demi? I love you too much for something like this to break us.' He says and she nods her head.

'I love you too.' She replies linking her fingers through his. 

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