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Beverly Hills, California.

9th October 2019.

'You okay?' Wilmer asks resting his hand on Demi's knee as they sit in the hospital room waiting on the doctor. 

'No.' She replies quietly as she bites her bottom lip and stares down at her stomach.

'I know this is scary but this doesn't mean that we're losing the babies, Demi. Rachel bled quite a bit through her pregnancy with Sebastian.' He says reaching up to wipe a tear from her cheek.

'Hi, Demi... What's been going on?' Dr Montgomery asks making her way into the room.

'I-I've been bleeding; it wasn't a ton, maybe just a bit of spotting but it was still blood.' Demi replies and Dr Montgomery nods her head.

'Okay. Well lets take a look at babies then. Just pop yourself back and lift your shirt... The gel will be cold.' Dr Montgomery says and Demi takes a deep breath. Sliding back on the bed, she lifts her t-shirt until it rests just beneath her bra and reaches for Wilmer's hand. Her eyes lock on a spot on the ceiling as Dr Montgomery puts some gel on her stomach and begins the sonogram. The room remains silent, Wilmer's thumb brushing across the back of her hand as she tries to even out her breathing. Taking her free hand, she shakes her head and covers her eyes.

'And there we have your two beautiful, healthy babies.' Dr Montgomery says causing Wilmer to instantly look at the screen.

'They're okay?' He asks.

'Everything looks fine... When was the last time you guys had sex?' Dr Montgomery asks as Demi peeks through her fingers at the screen.

'This morning.' Demi replies quietly.

'That could explain it. Sometimes things down there can be a bit more sensitive during pregnancy.' Dr Montgomery says.

'So we shouldn't have sex?' Demi asks.

'You can still have sex. I would just advise that you are careful and don't do anything too rough.' Dr Montgomery replies.

'Okay.' Demi says quietly.



'Feeling better?' Wilmer asks as they make their way out of the hospital, his fingers linked through hers.

'Mmm... I hope you enjoyed this morning because that is the last time it'll be happening for a while.' Demi replies smiling.

'You heard Dr Montgomery; we can still have sex.' He says and she shakes her head.

'Nope. Not happening.' She replies.

'You wouldn't last six days nevermind six months, Demi.' He says opening the car door for her.

'I'm being serious, Wilmer. I don't even want to go to the bathroom and see blood again. I was so scared.' She admits getting into the car.

'Okay...' He says realising just how serious she is. He closes the door and makes his way round to the driver's side. He gets in the car and instantly reaches over for her hand. He links their fingers together and gently squeezes her hand. 

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