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Beverly Hills, Los Angeles.

24th August 2019.

'Hey, sleepyhead... How are you feeling?' Wilmer asks softly as he runs his finger down Demi's cheek causing her to smile slightly.

'Bit better. Where are the kids?' Demi asks sitting up a bit.

'Downstairs having breakfast with my mom. She's decided that she's taking them out to buy them all a new outfit for their holiday.' He replies kissing the top of her head.

'Mmm... How's Jade?' She asks.

'She's doing a lot better.' He replies.

'Good... I'm going to look into sorting our trip out today. What day do the kids go away?' She asks.

'8th of September.' He replies and she nods her head.

'Okay. Are we okay to leave that day then?' She asks and he nods his head.

'They'll be staying at Rachel's mom's the night before... I was thinking you could maybe come with me to drop them off. Let me properly introduce you both?' He suggests watching as she bites her bottom lip.

'Yeah?' She asks and he nods his head.

'She's already told me that she likes you and she has no problem with us being together. I think she would like to get to know you better though.' He replies and she nods her head.

'Okay then.' She says softly.

'I don't want you feel pressured into this if you don't want to.' He replies.

'No, I think if I'm going to be in your life and in the kids life then I should meet her.' She says softly. She reaches up and runs her hand over his cheek.

'You're still pretty pale, nena. Sure you're feeling okay?' He asks.

'Mmm... I think I'll feel better after some food.' She replies and he nods his head.

'I can get you some toast.' He says.

'I'll come downstairs.' She replies.

'You sure? You can stay up here if you want and I'll bring you food up?' He suggests and she shakes her head.


'Demi, sweetheart! Wilmer said you were sick; how are you feeling? You look extremely pale.' Sobeida says instantly placing her hands on Demi's shoulders and taking a good look at the smaller brunette.

'I'm okay.' Demi replies quietly.

'Do you want some breakfast? The kids are having some scrambled egg and toast.' Sobeida says and Demi groans slightly.

'No eggs.' Demi replies shaking her head.

'Just toast then?' Sobeida asks and Demi smiles slightly.

'I'll get it.' Demi replies.

'Don't be silly. You have a seat and I'll get you some. Would you like some water or some juice?'  Sobeida asks.

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