
727 37 4

Beverly Hills, Los Angeles.

7th September 2019

'Can I come in?' Alma asks quietly as she peeks her head around the bedroom door and sees Demi sitting on the edge of the bed.

'Of course you can, little lady. Everything okay?' Demi asks watching Alma climb up onto the bed beside her.

'I made you something at school...' Alma says holding out a bit of paper. She passes it to Demi who glances down and can't help but smile.

'Wow, this is beautiful.' Demi replies.

'That's you and daddy with me, Jade and Sebby... Mommy's in the sky with her wings.' Alma says gesturing to each individual on the picture.' Alma explains.

'I love it, sweetheart. I think I might put this in a pretty frame and hang it on the wall. Thank you so much, Alma.' Demi replies draping her arm around the little girl's shoulders and kissing the top of her head.

'Can you braid my hair before gramma gets here?' Alma asks and Demi nods her head.

'Of course I can, angel.' Demi replies smiling. She grabs her brush off the bedside table and begins to brush Alma's hair.

'How has school been? Learn anything exciting?' Demi asks. 

'It's been good... We've been learning about music and different instruments.' Alma replies.

'Oh really? That sounds good.' Demi says smiling.

'Daddy said you play instruments.' Alma says and Demi nods her head.

'Daddy's right. I play guitar and piano.' Demi replies.

'I'd like to play an instrument. Can you maybe teach me?' Alma asks glancing back at Demi who nods her head.

'Of course I can. Do you want one braid or two?' Demi asks running her fingers through Alma's hair.

'One please.' Alma replies smiling. 

'Okay. Are you looking forward to your holiday with gramma?' Demi asks beginning to carefully braid the little girl's hair.

'Yeah. I think it'll be fun. Daddy and gramma says mommy used to love going to the place where we're going.' Alma replies. 

'Really? Well I'm sure you'll have loads of fun then.' Demi says softly.

'Are you going to live with us now, Demi?' Alma asks.

'Not all the time no. I've just been staying here because I was poorly and then daddy was poorly and you were poorly... I wanted to make sure you were all okay before I went back home.' Demi replies as Alma sighs.

'I like you being here... Daddy can't do my hair like you can and he doesn't make sandwiches into funny shapes like you do.' Alma admits causing Demi to smile.

'I'll still be here, Alma. I'll still see you all the time and I will braid your hair whenever you want me to. I just won't live here.' Demi replies securing the braid with a hair tie.

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