April 27, 1969

73 1 1

Much has happened at the facility since the last entry. I apologized to Wayne and gave his fish people their own dorms. I've increased security around the facility, as the fish people and the snaketiles have begun to move in.

I've finally convinced Judson Hendrickson to fund the construction of our facility, and take away some of the snaketiles to their own facility. (The colony has a population of 15,000, and our facility will only be able to hold 1,119 if we double up at dorm rooms.) I agreed to these terms under one condition: No testing on the snaketiles. It just makes them angry.

Judson simply replied: We won't be studying them any more then the studying we do during medical checkups. He also gave us some new senior staff members.

We've got ourselves a new Chief Engineer. Dr. Scott Barkley has been assigned here by the SSAM, and is already working on the building the framework for the new sections of the facility.

His sister, Wilma Barkley has applied to educate all of children living in the facility. This includes snaketile children, human children, and fish children. (Yes, kids can be test subjects too here.) She's setting up the classroom right now.

We also have a new Security Chief. His name is Sergeant Golem, and he was also sent from the SSAM. From what I can tell so, he's your no-nonsense military guy.

Let's see those test subjects smuggle those Snaketonium pipe bombs with him around!

As for Janitor Bob, he was replaced by a grumpy old snaketile by the name of Kst'Ksak. We're just calling him "Caretaker", as it sounds really awkward when you try to pronounce a snaketile name.

Testing continues. One of today's major tests is trying to give a test subject another heart and see what the side effects are.

Also, all of the Hyper-Evolution tests have been shut down. All of the swimming pools have been filled in with concrete, and the new snaketile hazmat crew has cleaned up the test subject guts and hyper-evolution serum.

The Configurable Anti-Gravity Field is ready to be released for final approval from the SSAM. Those test subjects are having so much fun, and are just bouncing off the walls in there...

We're holding a Snaketile-Human Culture Exchange tonight in Warehouse 2. I better help get things set up.

* * *

"Sir, we are ready to begin Phase One of demolishing the colony," says Scott over my walkie-talkie.

"Permission the begin granted," I reply.

Here is the current layout of our facility:

Level G4 - Telescope and Transmitter Center

Level G3 - Solid Rock

Level G2 - Solid Rock

Level G1 - Main Reception/Check In/Store 73

Sublevel 1 - Main Offices/Main Community Center/Auditorium 60

Sublevel 2 - Employee Dorms

Sublevel 3 - Subject Doorms/Testing Floor

Sublevel 4 - Factory/Transistional Seal to 1950s Facility

Sublevel 5 - Colony

Sublevel 6 - Colony

Sublevel 7 - Colony

Sublevel 8 - Colony

Sublevel 9 - Solid Rock

Sublevel 10 - Solid Rock

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