April 19, 1969

86 2 1

Time to intoduce the new testing subjects. Man, am I tired after last night. All the senior staff went to bed at 3:09 in the morning. We kept bothering each other and we eventually fell asleep around 3:42.

I walk into a room full of chairs, and onto a stage with a podium.

I clear my throat and begin my speech.

"Greetings, test subjects and wellcome to the General Science Research Compound," I start. "College students. Soliders. Cheap book store owners. You're here because you signed that phonebook-of-a-contract we gave you. I'm Professor Justin, PhD. I own the place."

One test subject raises his hand.

"Excuse me young man," I say. "All questions will have to wait until the end. Anyway, allow me to continue. You are required to stay in the facility for one week and to take part in testing at at least ten test chambers, which will be marked on your Passport To Science. At the end of all this, you'll make sixty dollars. Cash. You'll also be let out of the facility, of course."

That test subject is still raising his hand.

"Well, I think that's about it. Good Luck. Stay Safe, and remember: Science is the Future, and the Future starts with You!" I finish.

"Professor!" screams the test subject.

"What is it?" I sigh.

"I need to go to the bathroom!" he says.

"Sorry, young test subject! Bathrooms are down the exit hall, to Tunnel 27, Left in Shaft 09, Right in Section 13, and go to the third door on the left," I say. The test subject runs out of the auditorium. Poor guy.

Everybody gets onto the elevator, including me. This old lift has been in this shaft ever since this place was a mining operation. With a creak, the elevator stops at Sublevel 11, all the test subjects get off the platform, and into Dormitory Wing Alpha.

I remain on the elevator, which I take to the surface. I pass by the snaketile mining crew, hollowing out the shaft. For safety protocols from the SSAM, we've kept them working a distance away from the human workers. Snaketiles are dangerous creatures, considering the fact that they're snake people Not to mention a lot of them have very short tempers.

Tonight I'm staying with my cousins at their cabin. With the more work I've been doing at the facility, I haven't gotten out lately. Speaking of the facility, I have huge plans for the test subjects tomorrow...

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