April 26, 1969 (Later)

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The elevator descends deeper into my facility. Deeper than the deepest dorm rooms. Deeper than the deepest test chambers. The elevator slowly rattles by the 1950s levels of the facility, which have since been shut down. Most of the 50's tests have been filled in with cement.

The elevator finally stops at Sublevel 10. Sublevel 10 is home to the lowest reaches of the Snaketile Supercolony. It is also home to the security outpost, which we had to put in by order of the SSAM.

SSAM stands for Secret Science Association and Management. It's pronounced as you would spell it.

The SSAM is a branch of the CIA in charge of all secret experimentation, and inspection at laboratories like ours. This includes Meteor Labs (Our worst enemies), Aperture Laboratories, Mutronico, etc. Did I mention that I'm pretty sure the SSAM stalks us in our sleep?

I continue out through the hallways. Through an observation window, I can see the shock springs that hold up our facility. After walking through the security outpost, I finally reach the colony. It's a bunch of stone and mud buildings in a huge open cave. The colony is also built into the side of the cave face, and is on multiple overhanging rock formations.

It's business as usual in the colony. Snaketiles are selling things in the marketplace, and one at the town square is singing away. If you want to know what snaketile music sounds like, It sounds like claws on a blackboard and deranged screaming. For some reason, they call that music.

I suppose snaketiles need a proper description nowadays. If you are reading this, the facility and the rest of America is probably destroyed by missiles, and you're in the middle of a nuclear fallout. Perhaps this journal is destroyed by then, but if it isn't, then I have somebody to share my secrets with.

Okay. Hang in there future test subject. This will be quick.

Snaketiles are a subterranean, reptilian race. They have an snakelike head, a vaguely humanoid upper body and a tail in place of legs. Adults range to about 20ft-30ft long. (This makes me look tiny.) They have eyes with slits for pupils, and forked tongues.

Snaketiles don't slither on the ground, but rather, they slither upright on their tail. (7ft-9ft tall) They have large arms with clawed hands. Snaketiles tend to have amazing strength. I know that, since I got into a fight with one once.

This colony happens to be mixed-species. Other than the emerald green snaketiles, we have ones that resemble Pythons and Coral Snakes.

Snaketiles speak in a high-pitched hissing voice. (Almost a whisper.) They actually have amazing vocal capabilities, and can speak almost perfect English. They have their own language, which I call Snakeish.

T'staas. I'm not even going to tell you what that means, but it's the first word that comes to mind.

Snaketiles don't wear clothes unless they're

A. Part of the military.

B. Laborers working for the facility. (e.g. Chefs, Biohazard Clean-Up Workers, etc)

C. Impersonating a human. (The tail gives them away.)

D. Wealthy.

The snaketiles living under our facility used to be fierce warriors, until the Elder One came along and united all the surrounding colonies. Now they're a rather peaceful and spiritual people.

They consider the Elder One a reincarnation of St. Snaketile, who had previously united them. If it didn't work the first time, it probably won't work again. I consider most of them short-tempered.

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