A Little Girl

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A little girl
With bright golden hair
And the biggest smile
And the sharpest mind

A little girl
Loved by everyone she meets
Lights up every room
That she walks into

A little girl
So hungry for adventure
She picks the prettiest roses
Ignoring the thorns
To take them home to her mother

A little girl
Kind to everyone
Sits with the quiet kids in class
So they don't feel left out

A little girl
Who's heart is too big
For the tiny body
She's been put in

A little girl
The strongest you'll meet
Keeps fighting everyday
Though her body
Wants to give up

A little girl
With a rare disease
No one knows
She's falling apart at the seams

A little girl
With a storm in her mind
And a flame in her eye
She keeps her head up
And fights the fight

A little girl
Who wouldn't hurt a soul
Because no one else knows
How much her soul is hurting

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